ies0411 / cv-latex

CV latex template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CV latex template that I am using.

1. Organization

  1. Two tex files are the main cv.tex and resume.tex.

  2. *.sty files define acronym used in the cv. Add your own acronym here.

  3. src folder contains each module. You can add or remove provided module here. Once you add or remove go to cv.tex or resume.tex and adjust \input{*.tex} list.

  4. Reference is handled in src\ref.bib. Add your bib item here and use it from pubs.tex by calling the bibkey. For example

\item \bibentry{ycho-2017-icra}
  1. Yet I could not figure out how to make it work with Korean bib items in a bib file.

한국어 bib아이템은 bib파일 안에 들어가면 이상하게 깨지는데 아직 원인을 찾지 못함. pubs.tex내에 한국어 bibitem은 따로 관리하는 중.

2. Compile

Run the following command

pdflatex cv.tex  
bibtex cv.tex  
pdflatex cv.tex  
pdflatex cv.tex  

You may encounter the following error on the first time compile. Just repeat the pdflatex.


3. Korean CV

cv.tex에 kor_only 라는 boolean 이 있어서 true 로 만들면 한글버전일때만 특정 라인을 보이게 할 수 있음.


4. Privatization of the partial CV

By cloning this public repo and adding remote, you can partially privatize the cv.

Make a private repo. For example, cv-akim-confidential.

git clone --bare
cd cv-akim
git push --mirror

Then clone this private clone cv-akim-confidential and add remote

git remote add public


CV latex template


Language:TeX 100.0%