ieee820 / DLIA

brain CTA medical image

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


create time: 2020.08.26


This repository contains the source code and the trained model for our work Deep Learning for Intracranial Aneurysm Detection in Computed Tomography Angiography Images.


  • Ubuntu: 16.04 lts
  • Python 3.6.5
  • Pytorch 1.0.1.post2
  • NVIDIA GPU + CUDA_10.0 CuDNN_7.5

This repository has been tested on NVIDIA RTX2080Ti. Configurations (e.g batch size, image patch size) may need to be changed on different platforms.


Other packages are as follows:

  • yacs
  • nibabel
  • scipy
  • joblib
  • opencv-python
  • SimpleITK
  • scikit-image
  • numpy

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


We mainly use (under the project) to train/val/test our models.

The following is one example:

python --gpu 0 1 2 3  --train --config tasks/configs/aneurysm_seg.daresunet.yaml

The main parameters are following:

  • --train: used to train the model.
  • --test: used to test(val) the model.
  • --config: the path to the configuration file(*.yaml).
  • --resume(optional): the path to the checkpoint pth(resume the model).
  • --gpu(default 0): decide to which gpu to select. Format: one or multiple integers(separated by space keys), such as
  • --gpu 0 1 2 3
  • --check_point(optional): the path to save the trained model, we usually specify the parameter in the config file, if you specify this parameter here, it will override this parameter in the config file.

Run command as below.

python --gpu 0 1 2 3  --train --config tasks/configs/aneurysm_seg.daresunet.yaml

the weight of the model: raws/weight/da_resunet.pth.tar

configuration file: tasks/configs/aneurysm_seg.daresunet.yaml

  • TEST.DATA.NII_FOLDER: directory of input files
  • TEST.DATA.TEST_FILE: list of file names
  • TEST.SAVE_DIR: the directory to save results If you want to use your custom data, you need modify the yaml file to set the path and file names of the test data.

Run command as below.

python --gpu 0 1 2 3  --test --config tasks/configs/aneurysm_seg.daresunet.yaml --check_point raws/weight/da_resunet.pth.tar
qucik start

you can quick start inference and visualization using vis_demo.ipynb

  • the example image data: raws/image/example.nii.gz
  • the ground truth : raws/image/example_mask.nii.gz
  • the expected output: raws/example_seg.nii.gz


in the ./raws directory, we supply an example dataset

├── image  # directory of image files
├── mask   # directory of ground truth
├── lesion_bbox.txt  # lesion bbox info 
├── part_train.txt  # train list
├── part_val.txt    # validation list
├── part_test.txt   # test list 


brain CTA medical image


Language:Python 100.0%