ENTITY FRAMEWORK CODE-FIRST APPROACH IN MVC In the code-first approach the Entity Framework creates database objects based on model classes that you create to represent application data. THE CODE-FIRST APPROACH: • Is the most common approach implemented in ASP.NET MVC Framework. • Allows you to develop your application by coding model classes and properties and delegate the process of creating the database objects to the Entity Framework. • The code-first approach allows you to define your own model by creating custom classes. • Then, you can create database based on the models. The DbContext class: • Is provided by the System.Data.Entity namespace of the ASP.NET MVC Framework. • Can be used to define the database context class after creating a model class. • Coordinates with Entity Framework and allows you to query and save the data in the database. • Uses the DbSet type to define one or more properties where, T represents the type of an object that needs to be stored in the database.