ideav5 / OkSocket

An blocking socket client for Android applications.

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OkSocket Document

An blocking socket client for Android applications.

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Open source licenses Basic Socket Library Socket Server Plugin Library

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OkSocket Introduce

Android Oksocket Library is socket client solution base on java blocking socket. You can use it to develop line chat or data transmission etc.

Maven Configuration

Automatic Import(Recommend)
  • OkSocket Library is uploaded in JCenter, and please, and please add the code into your project.
allprojects {
    repositories {
  • Make sure you have already done with put JCenter into repositories blocking in project Gradle files than you need put this into Module build.gradle file.
dependencies {
        //Basic Socket client functionality
        compile ''
	//If you want to use server functionality, you need to compile the following libraries
	compile ''

Manifest Configuration

  • Put the Permissions into AndroidManifest.xml file:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

Proguard Configuration

  • Put this code into your Proguard file:

-keep class** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }

-keepclassmembers enum * {
    public static **[] values();
    public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);
-keep class$* {
-keep class$* {

OkSocket Initialization

  • To copy the following code into the project Application class onCreate (), OkSocket will automatically detect the environment and complete the configuration.
public class MyApplication extends Application {
	public void onCreate() {
		//The primary process needs to be distinguished at the beginning of the primary process.
		//If you need to open the Socket debug log, configure the following

Call The Demonstration

Demo Connection Server

The server is designed for beginners affiliated OkSocket library; beginners can install the project of the app to mobile phones, click the Connect button, the server is only familiar with communication methods and analytical way. The server does not support the heart back, not a commercial server. The server code in SocketServerDemo folder, please note that the reference was reading.

  • IP:
  • Port:8080

You can also choose to download the JAR file to local and run it locally for debugging. Download JAR

  • You can use the following code to run itjava -jar SocketServerDemo.jar
Simple connections
  • OkSocket will default to each Open new channels for cache management, only in the first call to the Open method is created when the ConnectionManager manager, after the caller can pass retrieves a reference to the ConnectionManager, continue to call the related method.
  • ConnectionManager is mainly responsible for the Socket connection, disconnect, send the message, heartbeat management, etc.
//Connection parameter Settings (IP, port number), which is also a unique identifier for a connection. 
ConnectionInfo info = new ConnectionInfo("", 8080);
//Call OkSocket open() the channel for this connection, and the physical connections will be connected.;
A connection with callback
  • Registered Socket channel listener, each Socket channel listener in isolation from each other, so if in a project, to connect multiple Socket channel, need to be registered in each Socket channel listeners own connections, connection listener OkSocket library is the only way to interact with the caller
//After obtaining the connection manager from the above method...
manager.registerReceiver(new SocketActionAdapter(){
	public void onSocketConnectionSuccess(Context context, ConnectionInfo info, String action) {
	 Toast.makeText(context, "The connection is successful", LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//call the channel's connection method to connect physical connections channel.
Configurable connections
  • Obtain OkSocketOptions behavior belongs to the more advanced practice, each Socket connection will correspond to an OkSocketOptions, if call Open for the first time is not specified OkSocketOptions, OkSocket library will use a default configuration object, the default configuration, please see the class documentation
ConnectionInfo info = new ConnectionInfo("", 8080);
IConnectionManager manager =;
//Gets the reference object for the current connection channel
OkSocketOptions options= manager.getOption();
//Build a builder class based on the current reference object
OkSocketOptions.Builder builder = new OkSocketOptions.Builder(options);
//Modify the parameter Settings (refer to the class documentation for other references)
//Create an option and set to the socket channel
How do I send data
//Class A:
//...Define the data structure to be sent...
public class TestSendData implements ISendable {
	private String str = "";

    public TestSendData() {
        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
        try {
            jsonObject.put("cmd", 14);
            jsonObject.put("data", "{x:2,y:1}");
            str = jsonObject.toString();
        } catch (JSONException e) {

    public byte[] parse() {
    	//Build the byte array according to the server's parsing rules
        byte[] body = str.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset());
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + body.length);
        return bb.array();

//Class B:
private IConnectionManager mManager;
//...Omit the connection and set the associated code for the callback...
public void onSocketConnectionSuccess(Context context, ConnectionInfo info, String action) {
     //Chain programming call
     	.send(new TestSendData());
     //The IConnectManager can also be saved as a member variable.
     mManager =;
     if(mManager != null){
        mManager.send(new TestSendData());
How to receive data
  • The OkSocket client receives server data in a specific format, and the client's OkSocketOptions provides the interface for modifying the reader default header parsing rules. See below for the default package body parsing rules img
  • As above, the contents of the package headers for 4 bytes of type int, the int value identifies the inclusions the length of the data area(package body’s area), this is the default setting, if you need custom package reader header please according to the following method.
//Set the custom parsing protocol
OkSocketOptions.Builder okOptionsBuilder = new OkSocketOptions.Builder(mOkOptions);
okOptionsBuilder.setReaderProtocol(new IReaderProtocol() {
    public int getHeaderLength() {
    	//Returns a custom header length that automatically parses the length of the head
        return 0;

    public int getBodyLength(byte[] header, ByteOrder byteOrder) {
    	//The length of the package body is parsed from the header of the package, byteOrder is the sequence of bytes that you configured in the parameter, which can be easily parsed using ByteBuffer class
        return 0;
//Set the modified parameter to the connection manager

//...After the parsing header is properly set...
public void onSocketReadResponse(Context context, ConnectionInfo info, String action, OriginalData data) {
    //Follow the above rules, this callback can be normal received the data returned from the server, the data in the OriginalData, for byte [] array, the array data already processed byte sequence problem, can be used in the ByteBuffer directly
How to keep a heartbeat
//Class A:
//...Define the heartbeat data type required by the heartbeat manager...
public class PulseData implements IPulseSendable {
	private String str = "pulse";

    public byte[] parse() {
    //Build the byte array according to the server's parsing rules
        byte[] body = str.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset());
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + body.length);
        return bb.array();

//Class B:
private IConnectionManager mManager;
private PulseData mPulseData = new PulseData;
public void onSocketConnectionSuccess(Context context, ConnectionInfo info, String action) {
     //Chain programming call. Set heartbeat data for the heartbeat manager. A connection only has a heartbeat manager, so the data is set only once. If disconnected, please set it again.
     	.pulse();//Start the heartbeat. 
     	//After the heartbeat, the heartbeat manager will automatically carry out the heartbeat trigger
     mManager =;
     if(mManager != null){
        PulseManager pulseManager = mManager.getPulseManager();
        //Set the heartbeat data to the heartbeat manager, and a connection has only one heartbeat manager, so the data is only set once, and if disconnected, set it again.
        //Start the heartbeat. After the heartbeat, the heartbeat manager will automatically carry out the heartbeat trigger
The heartbeat feed dog
  • Feed the dog. Because our client needs to know the Socket server received the heartbeat data, so the server needs to reply the client after receiving the heartbeat data, called it ACK. We need to feed the dog, or when more than a certain number of times the heartbeat data, but did not supply the dog food, the dog will connect the disconnect reconnection, we call it dog dead.
private IConnectionManager mManager;
//When the client receives the message
public void onSocketReadResponse(Context context, ConnectionInfo info, String action, OriginalData data) {
	if(mManager != null && It's the heartbeat return package){
		//Whether it is a heartbeat return package, you need to resolve the data returned by the server to know
		//Feed dog
Manual trigger heartbeat
private IConnectionManager mManager;
// anywhere...
mManager =;
if(mManager != null){
	PulseManager pulseManager = mManager.getPulseManager();
	//Manually trigger a heartbeat (mainly used for situations requiring manual control of trigger timing)

Explanation Of OkSocketOptions And Callbacks

  • OkSocketOptions

    • Socket communication modemIOThreadMode
    • Connection is managed saveisConnectionHolden
    • Write byte ordermWriteOrder
    • Read byte ordermReadByteOrder
    • Header protocolmHeaderProtocol
    • The total length of a single packet is sentmSendSinglePackageBytes
    • Cache byte length for single readsmReadSingleTimeBufferBytes
    • Pulse frequency intervalmPulseFrequency
    • Maximum number of pulse loss (loss of feed dog)mPulseFeedLoseTimes
    • Backstage survival time (minutes)mBackgroundLiveMinute
    • Connection timeout (seconds)mConnectTimeoutSecond
    • Maximum number of megabytes (MB) reading datamMaxReadDataMB
    • Reconnection managermReconnectionManager
  • ISocketActionListener

    • A callback for the Socket reader/writer thread startonSocketIOThreadStart
    • A callback for the Socket read/write thread shutdownonSocketIOThreadShutdown
    • Socket connection status changesonSocketDisconnection
    • Socket connection successful callbackonSocketConnectionSuccess
    • Socket connection failed callbackonSocketConnectionFailed
    • The Socket reads the callback from the server to the byteonSocketReadResponse
    • Socket write to server byte back callbackonSocketWriteResponse
    • Send a heartbeat backonPulseSend
   Copyright [2017] [徐昊]

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.


An blocking socket client for Android applications.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%