idcrosby / web-tools

Collection of my commonly used tools

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Collection of my commonly used tools. Written in Go.


func Base64Encode(encode []byte, url bool) string

Returns a Base 64 encoded string of the given bytes, url param indicates to use URL specific encoding.

func Base64Decode(decode string, url bool) []byte

Returns decoded byte array for the given encoded string, url param indicates to use URL specific encoding. Invalid input returns nil.

func ValidateJson(bytes []byte) (buf []byte, err error)

Formats and returns the given JSON data. Invalid JSON will return nil and a descriptive error.

func JsonNegativeFilter(bytes []byte, filter []string) (buf []byte, err error)

Removes elements of the given JSON data with names listed in the filter array (use dot separated names for nested fields)

func BuildJsonStructure(bytes []byte) (buf []byte, err error)

Return A JSON object representing the structure of the JSON object passed in, i.e. each field with it's corresponding JSON type

func JsonPositiveFilter(bytes []byte, filter []string) (buf []byte, err error)

Keeps only the elements of the given JSON data with names listed in the filter array. (Top level fields only)

func JsonCompare(jsonOne []byte, jsonTwo []byte) (buf []byte, err error)

Compares two JSON objects, and returnsa JSON object containing any differing elements.

func Md5Hash(data []byte) string

Returns an MD5 hash string of the given data.

func Sha1Hash(data []byte) string

Returns a SHA-1 hash string of the given data.

func ConvertTimeFromEpoch(epoch int64) time.Time

Returns the given Time as Unix Epoch time stamp (in seconds).

func ConvertTimeToEpoch(convert time.Time) int64

Convers the given Unix Epoch time stamp to Time type.


  • Automate tests/coverage/performance(siege)
    • Travis CI?
  • JSON filtering
    • Improve filtering performance (streaming)
    • Augment JSON comparison
  • XML <-> JSON conversion?
  • Add trailing '=' characters if needed for Base64 decoding?
  • HATEOS Support/Validator/Creation/Expansion
  • OAuth stub?
  • Tests
    • individual checks
  • Add Logging
  • HTML related tools, format, validate, etc
  • Random generator
    • UUIDs
    • Text, numbers, etc


Collection of my commonly used tools


Language:Go 100.0%