In this project I built a full-stack application - Management System for IT Administrators that shows their company's cloud instances. I used JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js with a middleware, PostgreSQL on Heroku and JWT to handle users sessions.
Create a full-stack application with a server and a database using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Express.js, PostgreSQL.
- learn how to transfer users data in the front-end pass it to the server in the back-end and save it in a remote database(heroku-postgresql
- learn about HTTP requests(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), server behaviour, when to use a middleware etc...
- learn how manage users sessions with JWT
During the project I experimented with the following:
Experienced in working with remote database storage: the data from the front-end sent to the server and then the server sends it to the database and it get saved there.
Experienced with express.js server, requests and responses, middleware.