id4thomas / Story-Papers

Collection of Papers related to Computational Storytelling

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Collection of Papers related to Computational Storytelling WIP

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Table of Contents

Story Generation

Symbolic Story Generation

Planning Algorithms (Separate File) Symbolic Story Generation

Neural Story Generation

Storyline (Plot) Generation

With Explicit Outline

Explicit outlines can be in the form of Structured Format (ex. SRL Tags - Predicate,Argument Form) Sentence Keywords (Event, Emotion, Sentiment,...)

  • Fan, Angela et al. “Strategies for Structuring Story Generation.” ACL (2019).
    • Prompt -> SRL Role Plan
  • Wang, L. et al. “Plan-CVAE: A Planning-Based Conditional Variational Autoencoder for Story Generation.” CNCL (2020).
    • RAKE Keywords as outline
  • Goldfarb-Tarrant, Seraphina et al. “Content Planning for Neural Story Generation with Aristotelian Rescoring.” EMNLP (2020).
    • SRL tag plot -> Rescorer for better plot
  • Xu, Peng et al. “MEGATRON-CNTRL: Controllable Story Generation with External Knowledge Using Large-Scale Language Models.” EMNLP (2020).
    • Keywords as outline, Knowledge Retrieval using keywords
  • Brahman, Faeze and S. Chaturvedi. “Modeling Protagonist Emotions for Emotion-Aware Storytelling.” EMNLP (2020).
    • Generate text that adheres to title & emotion arc
    • Doesn't generate emotion arc
  • Ammanabrolu, Prithviraj et al. “Automated Storytelling via Causal, Commonsense Plot Ordering.” ArXiv abs/2009.00829 (2020): n. pag.
    • Plot infilling between major plot points (plot points as context)
    • Forward, backward plot graph branching using COMET
  • Lin, Shih-ting et al. “Conditional Generation of Temporally-ordered Event Sequences.” ArXiv abs/2012.15786 (2020): n. pag.
    • Event infilling given event sequence (Event Deletion)
Without Explicit Outline
  • Peng, Nanyun et al. “Towards Controllable Story Generation.” (NAACL WS 2018).
    • Ending Valence Control
  • Fan, Angela et al. “Hierarchical Neural Story Generation.” ACL (2018).
  • Yao, Lili et al. “Plan-And-Write: Towards Better Automatic Storytelling.” AAAI (2019).
  • Ippolito, Daphne et al. “Toward Better Storylines with Sentence-Level Language Models.” ACL (2020).
    • Predict sentence embedding for continuation & select from candidates
  • Polceanu, Mihai et al. “Narrative Plan Generation with Self-Supervised Learning.” AAAI 2020 (2020).
    • Forward search PDDL domains to generate target plans
    • Generate novel plan by decoding noise given as latent vector using Regularzed AE


  • Peng, Nanyun et al. “Towards Controllable Story Generation.” (NAACL WS 2018).
    • Storyline Control (keyword -> story)
  • Fan, Angela et al. “Strategies for Structuring Story Generation.” ACL (2019).
    • Entity modelling (Placeholder prediction)
    • Coreference-based entity reference generation: different string given context & previous prediction for same placeholder
  • Tu, Lifu et al. “Generating Diverse Story Continuations with Controllable Semantics.” NGT@EMNLP-IJCNLP (2019)
    • Generate story text given controllable value
  • Xu, Peng et al. “MEGATRON-CNTRL: Controllable Story Generation with External Knowledge Using Large-Scale Language Models.” EMNLP (2020).
    • Experiement controllability of story text with antonyms

Evaluation (?)

Evaluate generated story perplexity? diversity?

Story Analysis

Plot Understanding

  • Unsupervised learning of narrative event chains
  • Movie Script Summarization as Graph-based Scene Extraction
  • CaTeRS
  • Automatic Identification of Narrative Diegesis and Point of View
  • StoryFramer
  • Story Understanding with External Knowledge Based Attention
  • Automatic Extraction of Narrative Structure from Long Form Text
  • Learning to Predict Explainable Plots for Neural Story Generation
  • Movie Plot Analysis via Plot Identification
  • Modelling Suspense in Short Stories as Uncertainty Reduction over Neural Representation
  • Automatic Extraction of Personal Events from Dialogue
  • Multi-view Story Characterization from Movie Plot Synopses and Reviews


Extraction / Representation

Identification / Classification


  • Story Quality as a Matter of Perception
  • UNION: An Unreferenced Metric for Evaluating Open-ended Story Generation

Character Understanding

Character Understading

  • Character-based kernels for novelistic plot structure
  • Character-to-Character Sentiment Analysis in Shakespeare’s Plays
  • Character-to-Character Sentiment Analysis in Shakespeare’s Plays Film Characters
  • A Bayesian Mixed Effects Model of Literary Character

Narrative Techniques

Narrative Diegesis, Focalization, ...


Collection of Papers related to Computational Storytelling