icyspace / Mudpi-VirtualSensor

Using Open Weather API to get weather based forecast data as events in Mudpi

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Prototype Virtual Precipitation sensor for Mudpi


Prototype Sensor for Mudpi which uses the Open Weather API to get weather based precipitation forecast data as events. This was built on Mudpi-core v0.9.1. I intend on creating a PR to the Mudpi-core project after the next release which has some refactoring.

The sensor was added to mudpi using the Extending Mudpi instructions. Thanks Eric for making Mudpi so easy to expand.

I am looking for feedback on other forecast weather data which would be valuable in trigger related scenarios.

This requires creating a account with OpenWeather and generating an API key. The instructions can be found here. This is a free service if you make less then 1000 api calls per day / 30000 calls per month. I recommend creating a second worker sensor group (see example) and calling this API only once every 5 or more minutes. Scenario explained in the Mudpi Documentation


  • Looks for max chance of precipitation in x defined hours. The max percent chance of precipitation is sent as a to the sensor event to be used by triggers.

  • Defaults to your ISP location if you don't know or want to use your specific lat/long location

  • API calls error/networks issues are handled when the service is not reachable. The sensor failure will not crash the core mudpi app. Its possible the PI controller has unreliable wifi network connection.

Use cases

  • Don't trigger water pump relay when the soil sensors indicate the garden needs water because in the next 12 hours there is a 90% chance of rain.


  1. Install on top of Mudpi-Core v0.9.1

  2. The installation requires only 2 changes.

    1. Updating the (mudpi/core/workers/pi/sensor_worker.py) sensor worker
    2. Defining a new (mudpi/core/sensors/pi/precipitation_sensor.py) sensor
  3. Download the new sensor file and update to the pi worker script

    cd ~/Downloads 
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/icyspace/Mudpi-VirtualSensor/main/precipitation_sensor.py
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/icyspace/Mudpi-VirtualSensor/main/sensor_worker.py
  4. Backup Current sensor worker (assumes default Mudpi Install location)

    sudo mv /etc/mudpi/core/workers/pi/sensor_worker.py /etc/mudpi/core/workers/pi/sensor_worker.bk
  5. Copy new sensor files to mudpi (assumes default Mudpi Install location)

    sudo cp ~/Downloads/precipitation_sensor.py /etc/mudpi/core/sensors/pi/
    sudo cp ~/Downloads/sensor_worker.py /etc/mudpi/core/workers/pi
  6. Update mudpi.config

  7. Restart mudpi (see example)

    sudo supervisorctl restart mudpi 
  8. In Mudpi.log you (in debug mode) you will see

    [09:37:51][MudPi][INFO] Sensors...                               Initializing
    [09:37:51][MudPi][DEBUG] PrecipitationSensor: apikey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    [09:37:51][MudPi][DEBUG] PrecipitationSensor: lat/lon: 44.0000:-92.0000
    [09:37:51][MudPi][DEBUG] PrecipitationSensor: Forecasted Hours to look for precipitation : 12
    [09:37:51][MudPi][DEBUG] PrecipitationSensor: apicall: https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?lat=44.0000&lon=-92.000&appid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&units=imperial

Precipitation Setting

Option Type Required Description
type [String] Yes Type of sensor: Precipitation
pin [Integer] Yes GPIO pin number on raspberry pi the sensor is connected to. In this case use 0 as we are not using any pin this but for sensor this is a required field.
key [String] Yes Key to store value under in redis. Alphanumeric with underscores only. Must be valid redis key.
openweather_api_key String] Yes Get OpenWeather API
latlong String] No Defaults to ISP location when not provided. Provide latitude and longitude in this formate with no spaces: "lat,long"
forecasted_hours [Integer] No integer between 1 and 24 (defaults to 24 hours) This represents how many hours in the future to look for precipitations

Example mudpi.config

            "type": "sensor",
            "sensors": [
                    "type": "Humidity",
                    "pin": 24,
                    "model": "11",
                    "key": "weather_sensor"
            "type": "sensor",
            "sensors": [
                    "type": "Precipitation",
                    "pin": 0,
                    "key": "precipitation_forecast",
                    "openweather_api_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "latlong": "44.000000,-93.000000",
                    "forecasted_hours" : 12


Using Open Weather API to get weather based forecast data as events in Mudpi


Language:Python 100.0%