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Handy links and tips on how to embrace Leiden University's digital features

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Handy links and tips on how to embrace Leiden University's digital features


[initials + name, with dots between] @umail.leidenuniv.nl is nice for formal emails

[s + student nummer] @VUW.leidenuniv.nl tends to work better for login

To get your university emails sent to another address: https://helpdesk.universiteitleiden.nl/tas/public/ssp/content/detail/knowledgeitem?unid=8b2b3c6d-a302-432a-97bd-14e2dfb1b4d4


Log in to see the timetable. The content is based on the room reservations and Usis registration items. It isn't reliable. Follow what's written in Emails or Brightspace by the course organisators. If a course is missing, you may be able to add it manually with 'add timetable'.

You can export and sync it with other calendar tools. More info here: https://rooster.universiteitleiden.nl/help#export.

Small tool to format the calendar to be printed.

It can be exported to Excel and .CSV.




  • Filter by type, course and time
  • View in list, day, week or month format
  • Small tool to format the calendar to be printed
  • There is a search function
  • There is a task editor

By enabling the feeds option in the parameters, with the button 'susbcribe' a link toward an icalendar file is generated, for all the agenda or a specific course. This can be used to export and sync the Brightspace Agenda into Google Calendar or another software. More details here: https://universiteitleiden.screenstepslive.com/a/1112673-how-do-i-synchronize-the-calendar-with-my-own-google-outlook-calendar If you have troubles, the method shoud be similar to the MyTimeTable way, check their guide.

The advanced search tool:


  • It generates a table with all the course you are enrolled in on Brigthspace
  • The columns can be sorted by desc/asc
  • There are filter options by date, depatrement and status
  • The end dates of the courses are indicated in this table. This is useful to take into account as the course content won't be available on and from on the indicated day. Think of making a backup of useful documents before losing access to them
  • It gives you the courses codes, which is handy to find the courses back in Usis

Get RSS feed

Go to course home page Click on 'annoucements' You can get a RSS feed link there

this is really handy in a discord server, with a bot that posts the course RSS announcements as a message ;)

Videos and weblectures

The browser versions often have more options than the mobile ones, such as speed options.


This is one of the plaftorms that host video content from Leiden University: https://video.leidenuniv.nl/ Some of the content is locked.

Often there is an option to put comments or to put captions (under the actions drop menu). They are not really used, but may be handy. There is a searchbar under the video, probably to search in the subtitles

https://video.leidenuniv.nl/history Allows you to see which videos you clicked on. There is a filter for complete and partially watched. This is useful to track your progress.

https://video.leidenuniv.nl/my-playlists You can make playlists

Embedded videos in Brightspace

When video's are posted in the content section, sometimes you will need to open them in a new tab to be able to see them.

The video's under Kaltura Media Gallery can be added to a watch later list. These aren't show in the watch later list on the Videoportal ( https://video.leidenuniv.nl/watchlater) but can be accessed throught:

https://brightspace.universiteitleiden.nl/d2l/ext/rp/6606/lti/framedlaunch/76a25815-f800-4b8d-832f-16e1207c9f70 or https://bs-kaf-prod.universiteitleiden.nl/watchlater

Smartphone apps

Leiden University

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ombiel.campusm.leiden https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/universiteit-leiden/id1261771835


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.d2l.brightspace.student.android https://apps.apple.com/us/app/brightspace-pulse/id1001688546

Webbrowser extensions

Library search assistant


UBL Get Access


not official:

https://synvox.net/iknow To manage deadlines

https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/brightspace-improvements/ngplfhblfejgjnaapcajgiccnapfhchi Minor user interface changes

Information on other courses / programs



The searchbar doesn't seem to look in the course description, only the titles. If you can't find something, try with a normal search engine and indicate studiegids.universiteitleiden.nl

Instead of searching a specific course, by putting a space in the searchbar, all the courses are shown. Then you can narrow it down by filtering by type, semester, level, faculty etc.

By looking at the previous years versions of a course, you may find a external link to a website where the previous edition of the course was hosted. The course may be different this year, so the information in it isn't reliable, but could be useful.

Student website

Depending on the selected program on the homepage bar, different info is shown on www.student.universiteitleiden.nl


course timetables: https://rooster.universiteitleiden.nl/overview/ooapi_courseoffering?d=OOAPI

program timetables: https://rooster.universiteitleiden.nl/overview/ooapi_educationalprogramme?d=OOAPI


Besides course registration, you can use Usis just to get info, but I wouldn't recommend it due to the bad user experience https://usis.leidenuniv.nl

Info on buildings



  • 3D models / floorplans of the buildings + some foto's of the rooms
  • Indicates elevators and toilets
  • Shows occupation and facilities in rooms

Interactive map


Printable map


List with info





https://www.bibliotheek.universiteitleiden.nl/get-started/waar-vind-ik-de-bibliotheken https://www.bibliotheek.universiteitleiden.nl/over-ons/locaties

Places to study

https://www.student.universiteitleiden.nl/studie-en-studeren/studie/studiefaciliteiten/studieplekken Reservation / check quietness / room map / : https://universiteitleiden.okku.io/ https://studyspots.universiteitleiden.nl/

Online library


Pin books and make lists https://catalogue.leidenuniv.nl/primo-explore/favorites?vid=UBL_V1&section=items

Use the advanced search tool to filter results. You can save searches too. To find similar books, go to the details of the first book and click on the subject links.

To get an overview of best practices by subject and new publications: https://www.bibliotheek.universiteitleiden.nl/subject-guides

Additional things:

Get wifi:

https://www.eduroam.nl/ https://www.student.universiteitleiden.nl/binaries/content/assets/ul2staff/ict/handleidingen/manual-connecting-to-wifi-2018-eng.pdf https://www.medewerkers.universiteitleiden.nl/ict/ict-werkplek/wifi/wifi-en-eduroam

Get VPN:

[deadlink] https://www.student.universiteitleiden.nl/mededelingen/2019/07/veilig-wifi-vakantie instead get info via https://www.surf.nl/en/eduvpn/get-started-with-eduvpn and https://nl.eduvpn.org/portal/home For institute access: "//ul.eduvpn.nl"

Get Microsoft Office 360 and cloud storage:


Get databases access:



Upload a document here to print it with your LU-Card in a Leiden Uni building (really handy to do from a smartphone): https://webprint.leidenuniv.nl/WebPrint

Remote access

to your pc session in Leiden: https://remote.campus.leidenuniv.nl https://helpdesk.universiteitleiden.nl/tas/public/ssp/content/detail/knowledgeitem?unid=68d00844-56ab-4c8a-a517-29fcc693ff9d

https://remoteapps.campus.leidenuniv.nl/ https://helpdesk.universiteitleiden.nl/tas/public/ssp/content/detail/knowledgeitem?unid=d77b6f50-045b-4124-ac65-214cea2a9374

SSH File Transfer Protocol https://helpdesk.universiteitleiden.nl/tas/public/ssp/content/detail/knowledgeitem?unid=1616e770e61d4e2fa2c0508bbda850e1


Maybe interesting things, but I didn't get further with them: https://brightspace.universiteitleiden.nl/d2l/le/discovery/view/home



https://brightspace.universiteitleiden.nl/d2l/lp/inlineHelp/27150/help?titleTerm=UserProgress.Web%5CDesktop%5CViews%5CUserProgress%5CLangTerms.hlpHelpTitle&descriptionTerm=UserProgress.Web%5CDesktop%5CViews%5CUserProgress%5CLangTerms.hlpHelpDescription This function doesn't seem to be activated for most of the courses. Here is a case where it is: https://brightspace.universiteitleiden.nl/d2l/le/userprogress/39061/27150/Summary?searchString=&sortField=LastName&sortDirection=0

https://smart.newrow.com/#/courseDirectory https://smart.newrow.com/room/testPage


Handy links and tips on how to embrace Leiden University's digital features