icexelloss / flatc

Unofficial Maven artifacts for FlatBuffers compiler binaries.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

According to the official FlatBuffers project,

FlatBuffers is a serialization library for games and other memory constrained apps. FlatBuffers allows you to directly access serialized data without unpacking/parsing it first, while still having great forwards/backwards compatibility.

Unfortunately, FlatBuffers project does not have a native Java compiler. This project provides a set of Maven artifacts containing platform-dependent flatc binaries. The list of supported platforms are as follows:

  • Linux (x86-64)
  • OSX (x86-64)


You can use flatc artifacts in your Maven projects to compile your FlatBuffers schemas (*.fbs) as follows:

  1. Add flatbuffers to your dependencies to provide package required by flatc generated Java files.

  2. Add necessary flatc artifact (e.g. flatc-linux-x86_64) to your Maven dependencies.

  3. Use Maven Ant plugin to execute the flatc provided by the artifact.

  4. Use build-helper-maven-plugin to include generated sources in the final package.

Following pom.xml snippet shows how you can do these steps in detail. (Note that here it purposes flatc artifact to compile *.fbs files under src directory.)


    <!-- fbs paths -->

    <!-- library versions -->



    <!-- provides package -->




        <!-- provides os.detected.classifier (i.e. linux-x86_64, osx-x86_64) property -->



        <!-- copy flatc binary into build directory -->

        <!-- compile fbs files using copied flatc binary -->
                            <property name="flatc.filename" value="flatc-${os.detected.classifier}-${fbs.version}.exe"/>
                            <property name="flatc.filepath" value="${}/${flatc.filename}"/>
                            <chmod file="${flatc.filepath}" perm="ugo+rx"/>
                            <mkdir dir="${}" />
                            <path id="fbs.path">
                                <fileset dir="${}">
                                    <include name="**/*.fbs"/>
                            <pathconvert pathsep=" " property="fbs.files" refid="fbs.path"/>
                            <exec executable="${flatc.filepath}" failonerror="true">
                                <arg value="-o"/>
                                <arg value="${}"/>
                                <arg value="-I"/>
                                <arg value="${}"/>
                                <arg value="-j"/>
                                <arg line="${fbs.files}"/>

        <!-- add generated flat buffer classes into the package -->



A Note on Versioning

Official FlatBuffers project does not follow a versioning scheme as of this writing. In order to the report the version of the used clone, I used the following fields:

  • the most recent Java API version (1.2.0-SNAPSHOT)
  • the first 8 digits of the clone's last commit I had used to compile the binaries


As is the case for the official FlatBuffers repository, this fork is also licensed under the terms of Apache License, Version 2.0.


Unofficial Maven artifacts for FlatBuffers compiler binaries.

License:Apache License 2.0