icek / hangman-challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Install node.js:

Fork repo on github page

Clone repo (replace gmichlicki-neducatio with your username)

git clone

Install dependencies

npm i

Start development

npm start

Multi-stage development

npm run multi



DoT template engine documentation:

CSS preprocessors

You can use LESS and SCSS preprocessors. Simply add a file with the extension .less or .scss to the workspace directory, and then add tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="your-file.css"> 

to the or file. Note the extension used in the href attribute, it must be .css. The server will look for the .less file first, then .scss, and finally .css. 2 files with variables are also created each time the user visits website. One for each preprocessor language: _vars.less and _vars.scss.
Variables are described in the next section of this document


Variables for use in single stage:

  1. it.alphabet – all letters of the alphabet
  2. it.numberOfWords - number of words drawn (always 1)
  3. it.word - a word to guess
  4. it.letters - a word to guess letter by letter
  5. it.numberOfLetters - number of letters in the guessed word (including duplicates)
  6. it.lettersInWord - unique letters used in the guessed word (excluding duplicates, sorted alphabetically)
  7. it.numberOfLettersInWord - number of unique letters used in the guessed word
  8. it.lettersNotInWord - letters not used in the guessed word
  9. it.numberOfLettersNotInWord - number of unique letters not used in the guessed word

Inside .less files there are corresponding variables created in _vars.less file:

  1. @alphabet
  2. @numberOfWords
  3. @word
  4. @letters
  5. @numberOfLetters
  6. @lettersInWord
  7. @numberOfLettersInWord
  8. @lettersNotInWord
  9. @numberOfLettersNotInWord

Inside .scss files there are corresponding variables created in _vars.scss file:

  1. $alphabet
  2. $numberOfWords
  3. $word
  4. $letters
  5. $numberOfLetters
  6. $lettersInWord
  7. $numberOfLettersInWord
  8. $lettersNotInWord
  9. $numberOfLettersNotInWord

Variables for use in multi stage:

  1. it.alphabet – all letters of the alphabet

  2. it.numberOfWords - number of words drawn (5 by default)

  3. it.words - array containing words data:

    a. it.words[n].word - a word to guess
    b. it.words[n].letters - a word to guess letter by letter
    c. it.words[n].numberOfLetters - number of letters in the guessed word (including duplicates)
    d. it.words[n].lettersInWord - unique letters used in the guessed word (excluding duplicates, sorted alphabetically)
    e. it.words[n].numberOfLettersInWord - number of unique letters used in the guessed word
    f. it.words[n].lettersNotInWord - letters not used in the guessed word
    g. it.words[n].numberOfLettersNotInWord - number of unique letters not used in the guessed word

where 'n' is a number between 0-4, eg. it.words[4].word

Inside .less files there are corresponding variables created in _vars.less file:

  1. @alphabet
  2. @numberOfWords
  3. @word1
  4. @letters1
  5. @numberOfLetters1
  6. @lettersInWord1
  7. @numberOfLettersInWord1
  8. @lettersNotInWord1
  9. @numberOfLettersNotInWord1

Points 3-9 are repeated for each subsequent word with a prefix replaced to its number

Inside .scss files there are corresponding variables created in _vars.scss file:

  1. $alphabet
  2. $numberOfWords
  3. $word1
  4. $letters1
  5. $numberOfLetters1
  6. $lettersInWord1
  7. $numberOfLettersInWord1
  8. $lettersNotInWord1
  9. $numberOfLettersNotInWord1

Points 3-9 are repeated for each subsequent word with a prefix replaced to its number



Language:JavaScript 84.8%Language:CSS 15.2%