icecreamliker / uitestcollection

A collection of front-end test frameworks(libraries)

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  • jasmine -- DOM-less simple JavaScript testing framework

  • mocha -- simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser

  • jest -- Painless JavaScript Testing

  • protractor -- E2E test framework for Angular apps

  • qunit -- An easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework.

  • Alibaba/f2etest -- F2etest是一个面向前端、测试、产品等岗位的多浏览器兼容性测试整体解决方案。

  • robotframework/robotframework -- Robot Framework is a generic open source test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD).

  • alibaba/macaca -- Solution for Automation Test with Ease

  • watir/watir -- What is an open source Ruby library for automating tests. Watir interacts with a browser the same way people do: clicking links, filling out forms and validating text.

  • NetEase/Dagger -- a light, robust Web UI autotest framework

  • dalekjs/dalek -- Automated cross browser testing with JavaScript!Exterminate all the bugs!

  • prova -- Test runner based on Tape and Browserify

  • IndigoUnited/automaton -- Task automation tool built in JavaScript.

  • catjsteam/catjs -- Mobile web automation testing framework. Unit tests can be added to any HTML5 application easily. With catjs you get to be Agile.


  • Enzyme -- JavaScript Testing utilities for React

  • chai -- BDD / TDD assertion framework for node.js and the browser that can be paired with any testing framework.

  • sinon -- Test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.

  • should.js -- BDD style assertions for node.js -- test framework agnostic

  • expect.js -- Minimalistic BDD-style assertions for Node.JS and the browser.


  • istanbul -- Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests and browser tests. Built for scale.

  • blanket -- blanket.js is a simple code coverage library for javascript. Designed to be easy to install and use, for both browser and nodejs.

  • JSCover -- JSCover is a tool that measures code coverage for JavaScript programs.


  • phantomjs -- phantomjs is a headless WebKit scriptable with JavaScript.

  • karma -- Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript

  • casperjs -- Navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS

  • nightwatch -- Automated testing and continous integration framework based on node.js and selenium webdriver

  • selenium -- Selenium is an umbrella project encapsulating a variety of tools and libraries enabling web browser automation.

  • cucumber -- Cucumber is a tool that supports Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) - a software development process that aims to enhance software quality and reduce maintenance costs.

  • zombie -- Insanely fast, full-stack, headless browser testing using node.js

  • intern -- Intern is a complete test system for JavaScript designed to help you write and run consistent, high-quality test cases for your JavaScript libraries and applications.

  • slimerjs -- A scriptable browser like PhantomJS, based on Firefox

  • [totoro]totorojs/totoro -- A simple and stable cross-browser testing tool.


  • appium/appium -- Appium is an open source, cross-platform test automation tool for native, hybrid and mobile web apps, tested on simulators (iOS, FirefoxOS), emulators (Android), and real devices (iOS, Android, Windows, FirefoxOS).

  • kif-framework/KIF -- Keep It Functional - An iOS Functional Testing Framework

  • google/EarlGrey -- EarlGrey is a native iOS UI automation test framework that enables you to write clear, concise tests.

  • robolectric/robolectric -- Robolectric is a testing framework that de-fangs the Android SDK so you can test-drive the development of your Android app.

  • RobotiumTech/robotium -- User scenario testing for Android

  • calabash/calabash-ios and andriod -- Calabash is an automated testing technology for Android and iOS native and hybrid applications.

  • TestingWithFrank/Frank -- Automated acceptance tests for native iOS apps

  • NetEase/Emmagee -- Android performance test tool-CPU,memory,network traffic,starting time,battery current and status

  • pivotal/cedar -- Cedar is a BDD-style Objective-C testing framework with an expressive matcher DSL and convenient test doubles.

  • sikuli/sikuli -- Sikuli is a visual technology to automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots).

  • selendroid/selendroid -- "Selenium for Android" (Test automate native or hybrid Android apps and the mobile web with Selendroid.)

  • BaiduQA/Cafe -- A powerful test framework for Android named Case Automated Framework for Everyone.

  • KeepSafe/Switchboard -- Switchboard - easy and super light weight A/B testing for your mobile iPhone or android app. This mobile A/B testing framework allows you with minimal servers to run large amounts of mobile users.

  • robospock/RoboSpock -- A testing framework which brings powers of Spock and Groovy to Android app testing


A collection of front-end test frameworks(libraries)

License:MIT License