icbi-lab / downloader

Easy & parallel download of FASTQ files from public repositories (SRA, EGA, GDC)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

nf-downloader: Download files from public repositories.

    # Download from EGA
    ./main.nf --ega --out_dir="/path/to/downloaded/fastqs" --accession="EGAD000XXXXX"

    # Download from a plain list of ascp links
    # Automatically converts EBI ftp links into ascp links.
    ./main.nf --ascp --out_dir="/path/to/downloaded/fastqs" --accession_list="urls.txt"

    # Download from SRA
    ./main.nf --sra --out_dir="results" --accession_list="SRA_Acc_List.txt"

    # Download from a plain list of ftp/http links
    ./main.nf --wget --out_dir="results" --accession_list="urls.txt"

    # Download open file from GDC
    ./main.nf --gdc --out_dir="results" --gdc_file_id 2776a850-d9b4-4c26-8414-528458c9c7c3

    # Download multiple open files from GDC
    ./main.nf --gdc --out_dir="results"         --gdc_file_id 2776a850-d9b4-4c26-8414-528458c9c7c3,de9105ef-cd6c-4565-8526-568b5f55a47c
    ./main.nf --gdc --out_dir="results" --gdc_file_id myGDCFileIds.txt

    # Download multiple open files from GDC using a manifest file
    ./main.nf --gdc --out_dir="results" --gdc_manifest manifest.txt

    # Download protected files from GDC
    [same as above but] --gdc_token myGDCtokenFile.txt

    # Download BAM slices from GDC
    ./main.nf --gdc --out_dir="results"         --gdc_bamslice chr1,chr2:1000000-2000000         --gdc_file_id 82805a58-0e0c-4b29-bfae-e121236203a7         --gdc_token myGDCtokenFile.txt         --gdc_bamslice_type region

    # mutiple region/gene or files may specified see Options below.

    --out_dir                   Path where the FASTQ files will be stored.
    --accession_list            List of accession numbers (of files)/download links. One file per line.
    --accession                 Accession number (of a dataset) to download.
    --parallel_downloads        Number of parallel download slots (default 16).
    --gdc_file_id               GDC file uuid(s):
                                    - single uuid or comma separated list of uuids
                                    - file containing uuids, one file per line
    --gdc_manifest              GDC portal data download manifest file obtained
                                from https://portal.gdc.cancer.gov/
    --gdc_bamslice_type         Type of BAM slice to download [region|gene] (default: region)
    --gdc_bamslice              BAM slice to download:
                                    - single region or comma separated list of regions, e.g.:
                                    - single gene or comma separated list of genes, e.g.:
                                    - file containing regions, one file per line
                                    - file containing genes, one file per line
    --gdc_bamslice_fastq        convert BAM slices to fastq (default false)
    --gdc_token                 GDC access token file for protected data
    --ascp_private_key_file     Path to the aspera private key file. Defaults
                                to $(dirname $(readlink -f $(which ascp)))/../etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh

    --ega                       EGA archive
    --wget                      Just download a plain list of ftp/http links
    --sra                       Download from SRA
    --gdc                       Download from GDC portal
    --ascp                      Download aspera connect links


Hint: to get faster, more reliable download links for SRA identifiers use SRA Explorer.

Setup credentials for EGA download

Store your credentials in ~/.ega.json:

  "username": "my.email@university.edu",
   "password": "SuperSecurePasswordIncludes123",


A authentication token file is required to download protected data from GDC. Users with access to protected data may download a token file from https://portal.gdc.cancer.gov/ when logged in.


Easy & parallel download of FASTQ files from public repositories (SRA, EGA, GDC)


Language:Nextflow 87.0%Language:Python 13.0%