ibnHatab / bonsai_ws

Odometry frame camera for NERF studio with Xsens AHRS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Getting started

Clone ROS workspace from this repository. Init submodules and install dependenties.

git submodule update --init --recursive


  • Install Basler/ROS dependencies:
sudo sh -c 'echo "yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/basler/pylon-ros-camera/master/pylon_camera/rosdep/pylon_sdk.yaml" > /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/30-pylon_camera.list' && sudo rosdep update && sudo rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro=$ROS_DISTRO -y
  • Copy xsens_ros_mti_driver folder from your MT SDK directory into your catkin workspace 'src' folder. Make sure the permissions are set to o+rw on your files and directories.

  • Build xspublic from your catkin workspace:

 pushd src/xsens_ros_mti_driver/lib/xspublic && make && popd
  • Build driver and package:
  • Source workspace:
  source devel/setup.bash

Prepare hardware

We use Basler Dart camera and Xsense MTi680 AHRS module.

NERF camera

Calibrate camera intrinsics

Dart setup with https://github.com/basler/pylon-ros-camera

ROS includes a standardised camera intrinsic calibration process through camera_calibration package (http://wiki.ros.org/camera_calibration).

Apply intrinsics to ROS node

rosrun pylon_camera set_device_user_id daA1280_54uc
rosrun camera_calibration cameracalibrator.py --size 8x6 --square 0.025 image:=/pylon_camera_node/image_raw camera:=/pylon_camera_node

with content from calibration/ost.yaml and path pylon_camera with camera_setup.diff

Calibrate camera extrinsics

Configuring the Xsens MTi node.

Use Kalibr to adjust TF from IMU to CAM

rosbag record /imu/data /pylon_camera_node/image_raw

rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --bag /data/2022-11-09-20-05-36.bag --cam /data/cam_basler_camchain.yaml --imu /data/imu_xsense.yaml --target /data/april_6x6_80x80cm.yaml

Using an NTRIP client with the Xsens ROS driver

Create a GGA string for your location using this ![website](https://www.nmeagen.org/ NMEA GGA)


Replace MT SDK with custom one from ![here](https://base.xsens.com/s/article/Using-an-NTRIP-client-with-the-Xsens-ROS-driver?language=en_US NTSDK)


Here we explain the coordinate conventions for using our repo.

Camera/view space

We use the OpenGL/Blender (and original NeRF) coordinate convention for cameras. +X is right, +Y is up, and +Z is pointing back and away from the camera. -Z is the look-at direction. Other codebases may use the COLMAP/OpenCV convention, where the Y and Z axes are flipped from ours but the +X axis remains the same.

World space

Our world space is oriented such that the up vector is +Z. The XY plane is parallel to the ground plane. In the viewer, you’ll notice that red, green, and blue vectors correspond to X, Y, and Z respectively.

ROS / odometry

Axis Orientation

In relation to a body the standard is:

  • x forward
  • y left
  • z up

For short-range Cartesian representations of geographic locations, use the east north up [5] (ENU) convention:

  • X east
  • Y north
  • Z up

Rotation Representation

Euler angles yaw, pitch, and roll about Z, Y, X axes respectively

Integrate with your tools

Test and Deploy


  • LGPLV3

Project status



Odometry frame camera for NERF studio with Xsens AHRS


Language:Python 89.0%Language:CMake 9.0%Language:C++ 2.0%