iblueer / languages

Typecho I18n Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to install language for your Typecho

  1. Download your language file ( end with .mo ) from tree/mo

  2. Upload it to path /usr/langs in your Typecho. If that folder doesn't exist, you can create it before upload it.

  3. Go to control panel of Typecho to switch to your language. It often locates at http://your-blog-url.com/admin/options-general.php

How to install a language pack for Typecho

  1. Download the .mo file that corresponds to your language from tree/mo.
  2. Upload the file to the Typecho /usr/langs directory. If the directory does not exist, you can create it yourself.
  3. Switch to the language you want to use from Options -> General in Typecho backend

Multi-language Translation to Typecho

  1. Fork this repo and clone to local.
  2. Start your translation road by using PoEdit.
  3. Push update to your forked repo, and then pull a request to offical repo which named typecho/languages.

Typecho Multilingual Translation

Please see http://docs.typecho.org/translate/start


Typecho I18n Project