ibatullin / ariel

Relational algebra for C++/Qt

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Ariel Logo

NOTE: documentation is not finished yet

Ariel is a relational algebra for C++/Qt. Ariel creates an abstract syntax tree (AST) for SQL. It allows to write and edit queries in a semantic way as a code and not as strings.

The project is inspired by Arel

Here's the code:

Ariel::Table posts("posts");
     .where(posts["date"] == QDate::currentDate() && !posts["deleted"])

 * Produces:
 * SELECT posts.title FROM posts
 * WHERE posts.date = '2019-08-14' AND posts.deleted = FALSE
 * GROUP BY posts.category
 * ORDER BY posts.id ASC

Table of Contents

Get Started




Include Ariel library to a qbs project:

Project {
    references: [

    CppApplication {
        Depends { name: "ariel" }


Start with table:

Ariel::Table posts("posts");

Create attribute (read "column") from the table:

Ariel::Attribute id = posts["id"];
Ariel::Attribute title = posts["title"];

And then use attributes in methods:

posts.select(title);              // SELECT posts.title FROM posts
posts.select({ id, title });      // SELECT posts.id, posts.title FROM posts

Ariel supports following SQL statements: select, insert, update, delete. For each statement Ariel has tree manager. Each manager has specific methods for its statement.

Ariel::SelectManager selectManager(posts);
Ariel::InsertManager insertManager(posts);
Ariel::UpdateManager updateManager(posts);
Ariel::DeleteManager deleteManager(posts);

Tree Manager can be created from Table:

Ariel::SelectManager selectManager = posts.select(id);
Ariel::InsertManager insertManager = posts.insert(id, 3);
Ariel::InsertManager updateManager = posts.update(id, 3);

You don't have to think about tree managers. For simple queries it's more convenient to use method chaining:

posts.select({ id, text })
     .where(title == "Welcome")

posts.insert(id, 3)
     .insert(title, "Welcome")

posts.upate(id, 3)
     .update(title, "Welcome")

Output options

Tree Manager has two methods for output AST as a string:

  • QString TreeManager::toString() returns SQL with bound values, it can be useful for debug purposes.
  • QString TreeManager::toSql() returns SQL with placeholders, it can be useful for creating query.

The difference between toString() method and toSql() method is shown below:

Ariel::Table posts("posts");
Ariel::SelectManager selectManager = posts.select(Ariel::Star)
                                          .where(posts["id"] == Ariel::BindValue(3));

qDebug() << selectManager.toString();         // SELECT FROM posts.* WHERE posts.id = 3
qDebug() << selectManager.toSql();            // SELECT FROM "posts".* WHERE "posts"."id" = ?

Ariel has an overloaded stream operator for QDebug:

qDebug() << posts.select(Ariel::Star);        // SELECT posts.* FROM posts

Use SqlCollector for access to bound values. Collector encapsulates both SQL string and bound values:

const SqlCollector collector = selectManager.build();
const QString sql = collector.value();

QSqlQuery query;

for (const QVariant &bindValue : collector.bindValues())


NOTE: Ariel doesn't provide interface to execute queries.

Current Status

Supported dialects

  • Common SQL

TODO (not implemented)

  • Joins
  • Top
  • Having
  • As
  • SQL functions (like COUNT, MIN, MAX)

Feel free to create issue with feature request.

Select Statement


Ariel::Table posts("posts");
posts.select(Ariel::Star);                    // SELECT posts.* FROM posts
posts.select(posts["title"]);                 // SELECT posts.title FROM posts
posts.select("text");                         // SELECT posts.text FROM posts
posts.select({ "title", "date" });            // SELECT posts.title, posts.date FROM posts
posts.select({ text, title });                // SELECT posts.text, posts.title FROM posts

WHERE clause

Comparison operators

posts.where(posts["title"] == "Welcome");     // ... WHERE title = 'Welcome'
posts.where(posts["id"] < 3);                 // ... WHERE title < 3
posts.where(posts["id"] == 3);                // ... WHERE title = 3
posts.where(posts["id"] != 3);                // ... WHERE title <> 3
posts.where(posts["deleted"] == true);        // ... WHERE posts.deleted = TRUE

Logical operators

auto id = posts["id"];
auto date = posts["date"];

posts.where(id == 1 && title == "Welcome");   // ... WHERE posts.id = 1 AND posts.title = 'Welcome'
posts.where(id == 1 || title == "Welcome");   // ... WHERE posts.id = 1 OR posts.title = 'Welcome'
posts.where(posts["deleted"]);                // ... WHERE posts.deleted = TRUE
posts.where(!posts["deleted"]);               // ... WHERE posts.deleted = FALSE

posts.where((id == 1 || id == 2)              // ... WHERE (posts.id == 1 OR posts.id = 2)
          && title == Welcome);               //           AND posts.title = 'Welcome'

posts.where((id == 1 && title == "Welcome")   // ... WHERE (posts.id == 1 AND posts.title = 'Welcome')
          || id == 2);                        //           OR posts.id = 2

Special operators

posts.where(posts["id"].isNull());            // ... WHERE posts.id IS NULL
posts.where(posts["id"].isNotNull());         // ... WHERE posts.id IS NOT NULL
posts.where(posts["id"].between(1, 4));       // ... WHERE posts.id BETWEEN 1 AND 4
posts.where(posts["id"].match("a%"));         // ... WHERE posts.id LIKE 'a%'
posts.where(posts["id"].in({ 1, 2, 3 }));     // ... WHERE posts.id IN (1, 2, 3)
posts.where(posts["id"].notIn({ 1, 2, 3 }));  // ... WHERE posts.id NOT IN (1, 2, 3)

Logical NOT with special operators

posts.where(!posts["id"].isNull());           // ... WHERE posts.id IS NOT NULL
posts.where(!posts["id"].isNotNull());        // ... WHERE posts.id IS NULL
posts.where(!posts["id"].between(1, 4));      // ... WHERE posts.id NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 4
posts.where(!posts["id"].match("a%"));        // ... WHERE posts.id NOT LIKE 'a%'
posts.where(!posts["id"].in({ 1, 2, 3 }));    // ... WHERE posts.id NOT IN (1, 2, 3)
posts.where(!posts["id"].notIn({ 1, 2, 3 })); // ... WHERE posts.id IN (1, 2, 3)

Comparison types

auto key = posts["key"];
posts.where(key == "A");                      // ... WHERE posts.key = 'A'
posts.where(key == QString("A"));             // ... WHERE posts.key = 'A'
posts.where(key == 1);                        // ... WHERE posts.key = 1
posts.where(key == QDate::currentDate());     // ... WHERE posts.key = '2019-03-03'
posts.where(key == QVariant());               // ... WHERE posts.key IS NULL

Compare with an attribute

An attribute may be compared with another attribute

posts.where(posts["id1"] == posts["id2"]);    // ... WHERE posts.id1 = posts.id2

Compare with QStringList

const QStringList titles { "wip", "todo", "tbd" };

posts.where(posts["titles"] == titles);       // ... WHERE posts.titles IN ('wip', 'todo', 'tbd')
posts.where(posts["titles"] != titles);       // ... WHERE posts.titles NOT IN ('wip', 'todo', 'tbd')

Compare with QVariantList

const QVariantList values;

posts.where(posts["key"] == values);          // ... WHERE posts.key IN ('a', 'b', 1, 2)
posts.where(posts["key"] != values);          // ... WHERE posts.key NOT IN ('a', 'b', 1, 2)

ORDER BY clause

posts.order(posts["id"].ascending());         // ... ORDER BY posts.id ASC
posts.order(posts["id"].descending());        // ... ORDER BY posts.id DESC

     .order(posts["title"].ascending());      // ... ORDER BY posts.id ASC, posts.title ASC

GROUP BY clause

posts.group(posts["section"]);                        // ... GROUP BY posts.section
posts.group("section");                               // ... GROUP BY posts.section
posts.group({ posts["section"], posts["category"] }); // ... GROUP BY posts.section, posts.category
posts.group({ "section", "category" });               // ... GROUP BY posts.section, posts.category

Limit, Offset

posts.take(10);                               // SELECT posts.* FROM posts LIMIT 10
posts.skip(10);                               // SELECT posts.* FROM posts OFFSET 10
posts.take(20).skip(10);                      // SELECT posts.* FROM posts LIMIT 20 OFFSET 10

Compound Select Statements

Ariel supports compound select statements UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, EXCEPT.

Create two select statements:

Ariel::Table posts("posts");

auto select1 = posts.select(Ariel::Star)
                    .where(posts["title"] == "Welcome");

auto select2 = posts.select(Ariel::Star)
                    .where(posts["date"] == QDate::currentDate());


SelectManager::distinctUnion(select1, select2);
// or

/* Produces:
 * SELECT posts.* FROM posts WHERE posts.title = "Welcome"
 * SELECT posts.* FROM posts WHERE posts.date = '2019-04-14'

Union all

SelectManager::unionAll(select1, select2);
// or

/* Produces:
 * SELECT posts.* FROM posts WHERE posts.title = "Welcome"
 * SELECT posts.* FROM posts WHERE posts.date = '2019-04-14'


SelectManager::intersect(select1, select2);
// or

/* Produces:
 * SELECT posts.* FROM posts WHERE posts.title = "Welcome"
 * SELECT posts.* FROM posts WHERE posts.date = '2019-04-14'


SelectManager::except(select1, select2);
// or

/* Produces:
 * SELECT posts.* FROM posts WHERE posts.title = "Welcome"
 * SELECT posts.* FROM posts WHERE posts.date = '2019-04-14'

Insert Statement

Insert via table

Ariel::Table posts("posts");
posts.insert(posts["title"], "Welcome")
     .insert(posts["date"], QDate::currentDate());

// INSERT INTO posts (title, date) VALUES ('Welcome', '2019-08-14')

Insert via InsertManager

Ariel::Table posts("posts");
Ariel::InsertManager insertManager(posts);
insertManager.insert(posts["title"], "Welcome");
insertManager.insert(posts["date"], QDate::currentDate());

qDebug() << insertManager.toString();

// INSERT INTO posts (title, date) VALUES ('Welcome', '2019-08-14')

Insert without relation (table):

Ariel::Table posts("posts");
Ariel::Attribute title = posts["title"];

Ariel::InsertManager insertManager;
insertManager.insert(title, "Welcome");       // Relation deduce from an attribute
qDebug() << insertManager.toString();         // INSERT INTO posts (title) VALUES ('Welcome')

Insert into select statement:

Ariel::Table posts("posts");
Ariel::Attribute title = posts["title"];
Ariel::SelectManager selectStatement = posts.select(title)
                                            .where(title == "Welcome");
Ariel::InsertManager insertManager(posts);
insertManager.column(title)                   // INSERT INTO posts
             .select(selectStatement);        // SELECT posts.title WHERE posts.title = 'Welcome'

Update Statement

Update via table

Ariel::Table posts("posts");
posts.update(posts["id"], 3);                 // UPDATE posts SET posts.id = 3
posts.update(posts["id"], 3)
     .update(posts["title"], "Welcome");      // UPDATE posts SET posts.id = 3, title = 'Welcome'

posts.update(posts["title"], "Welcome")       // UPDATE posts SET posts.title = 'Welcome'
     .where(posts["id"] == 3)                 // WHERE posts.id = 3
     .order(posts["date"].ascending())        // ORDER BY ASC
     .take(3);                                // LIMIT 3

Delete Statement

Ariel::Table posts("posts");
posts.deleteWhere(posts["id"] == 3);          // DELETE FROM posts WHERE posts.id = 3
posts.deleteWhere(posts["id"] == 3)).take(3); // DELETE FROM posts WHERE posts.id = 3 LIMIT 3

Setup Ariel


Extend Ariel


Copy AST



Ariel::Table posts("posts");
auto selectManager = posts.select(Ariel::Star)
                          .where(posts["deleted"] == true);

selectManager.toSql();    // SELECT posts.* FROM posts WHERE posts.deleted = TRUE

selectManager.toSql();    // SELECT "posts".* FROM posts WHERE "posts"."deleted" = 1


Relational algebra for C++/Qt


Language:C++ 97.9%Language:QML 2.1%