iaphub / iaphub-android-sdk

The easiest way to implement IAP (In-app purchase) in your Android app.

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Implementing and developping all the tools to manage your In-App purchases properly can be very complex and time consuming. You should spend this precious time building your app!

IAPHUB has all the features you need to increase your sales 🚀

📜 Receipt validation - Send the receipt, we'll take care of the rest.
📨 Webhooks - Receive webhooks directly to your server to be notified of any event such as a purchase or a subscription cancellation.
📊 Realtime Analytics - Out of the box insights of on all your sales, subscriptions, customers and everything you need to improve your revenues.
🧪 A/B Testing - Test different pricings and get analytics of which one performs the best.
🌎 Product Segmentation - Offer different product or pricings to your customers depending on defined criterias such as the country.
👤 Customer Management - Access easily the details of a customer, everything you need to know such as the past transactions and the active subscriptions on one page.


Implementing In-app purchases in your app should be a piece of cake!

  1. Create an account on IAPHUB

  2. Add the library to your build.gradle file

implementation 'com.iaphub:iaphub-android-sdk:4.+'
  1. Read our complete guide to set up your app.

⚠ If you're migrating from v2.X.X to v3.X.X, read this.
⚠ If you're migrating from v3.X.X to v4.X.X, read this.


Import Iaphub and start the library in the onCreate method of your application

package com.iaphub.example

import android.app.Application
import com.iaphub.Iaphub

class MainApplication: Application()  {

    override fun onCreate() {
        // Start IAPHUB
          // You must provide the app context

          // Required, the app id is available on the settings page of your app
          // Required, the (client) api key is available on the settings page of your app
          // Optional, the user id, if you do not specify one an anonymous id will be generated (id prefixed with 'a:')
          // You can provide it if the user is already logged in on app start

          // Optional, ff you want to allow purchases when the user has an anonymous user id
          // If you're listenning to IAPHUB webhooks your implementation must support users with anonymous user ids
          // This option is disabled by default, when disabled the buy method will return an error when the user isn't logged in


IAPHUB is exposing different events
They are all optional but setOnUserUpdateListener is highly recommended in order to know when to refresh the state of your products.

User update

  Iaphub.setOnUserUpdateListener { ->
    // Called when the user has already been fetch and is updated
    // It means the products for sale or active products are different from the one you previously loaded using getProductsForSale/getActiveProducts
    // You should refresh your view with the new state of your products

    // When using the login/logout method, the user is reset, meaning this event won't be called until the user has been loaded first using the getProductsForSale/getActiveProducts methods

Deferred purchase

  Iaphub.setOnDeferredPurchaseListener { transaction ->
    // Called when a deferred purchase has been processed
    // A deferred purchase is a purchase processed 'outside' of the buy method 


  Iaphub.setOnErrorListener { err ->
    // Called when IAPHUB has detected an error
    // It can be interesting to log unexpected errors


  Iaphub.setOnReceiptListener { err, receipt ->
    // Called after a receipt has been processed


Call the login method to authenticate an user.

⚠ You should provide an id that is non-guessable and isn't public. (Email not allowed)

⚠ The user will be reset, setOnUserUpdateListener will only be called until after the user has been loaded first (using getProductsForSale/getActiveProducts).

Iaphub.login("3e4890f6c72fc971cf46db5d") { err: IaphubError? ->
  // On a success the err should be null

Get user ID

Call the getUserId method to get the user id of the logged user.
If no user is logged the anonymous user id will be returned (prefixed with 'a:').

val userId = Iaphub.getUserId()


Call the logout method to log the user out.
The user will switch back to his anonymous user id (prefixed with 'a:').

⚠ The user will be reset, setOnUserUpdateListener will only be called until after the user has been loaded first (using getProductsForSale/getActiveProducts).


Set user tags

Call the setUserTags method to update the user tags.
User tags will appear on the user page of the IAPHUB dashboard.
When using IAPHUB's smart listings, you'll be able to return different products depending on the user tags.

⚠ This method will throw an error if the tag name hasn't been created on the IAPHUB dashboard

// To set a tag
Iaphub.setUserTags(mapOf("gender" to "male")) { err: IaphubError? ->
  // On a success the err should be null

// To remove a tag pass a empty string
Iaphub.setUserTags(mapOf("gender" to "")) { err: IaphubError? ->
  // On a success the err should be null

A few details:

  • A tag must be created on the IAPHUB dashboard (otherwise the method will throw an error)
  • When creating a tag on the IAPHUB dashboard you must check the option to allow editing the tag from the client (otherwise you'll only be able to edit the tag using the IAPHUB API from your server)
  • A tag key is limited to 32 characters
  • A tag value is limited to 64 characters

Set device params

Call the setDeviceParams method to set parameters for the device
When using IAPHUB's smart listings, you'll be able to return different products depending on the device params.

// For instance you can provide the app version on app launch
// Useful to return a product only supported in a new version
Iaphub.setDeviceParams(mapOf("appVersion" to "2.0.0"))
// To clear the device params

A few details:

  • The params are not saved on the device, they won't persist if the app is restarted
  • The params are not saved on IAPHUB, they are just provided to the API when fetching the products for sale
  • A param key limited to 32 characters and must be a valid key (^[a-zA-Z_]*$)
  • A param value limited to 32 characters
  • You can provide up to 5 params

Get products for sale

Call the getProductsForSale method to get the user's products for sale
You should use this method when displaying the page with the list of your products for sale.

⚠ If the request fails because of a network issue, the method returns the latest request in cache (if available, otherwise an error is thrown).

⚠ If a product is returned by the API but the sku cannot be loaded, it'll be filtered from the list and an 'unexpected' error will be returned in the setOnErrorListener listener.

⚠ If you have multiple Android offers, the oldest (first one you've created) will be used by default. We do not support the Android multiple offers system in order to have a common system with iOS. To have a different offer simply create a new product, you can do pretty much everything with smart listings.

Iaphub.getProductsForSale { err: IaphubError?, products: List<Product>? ->
  // On a success err should be null

Get active products

If you're relying on IAPHUB on the client side (instead of using your server with webhooks) to detect if the user has active products (auto-renewable subscriptions, non-renewing subscriptions or non-consumables), you should use the getActiveProducts method.

⚠ If the request fails because of a network issue, the method returns the latest request in cache (if available with no expired subscription, otherwise an error is thrown).

⚠ If an active product is returned by the API but the sku cannot be loaded, the product will be returned but only with the properties coming from the API (The price, title, description.... properties won't be returned).

Subscription state

Value Description
active The subscription is active
grace_period The subscription is in the grace period, the user should still access the features offered by your subscription
retry_period The subscription is in the retry period, you must restrict the access to the features offered by your subscription and display a message asking for the user to update its payment informations.
paused The subscription is paused and will automatically resume at a later date (autoResumeDate property), you must restrict the access to the features offered by your subscription.

By default only subscriptions with an active or grace_period state are returned by the getActiveProducts method because you must restrict the access to the features offered by your subscription on a retry_period or paused state.

If you're looking to display a message when a user has a subscription on a retry_period or paused state, you can use the includeSubscriptionStates option.

  Iaphub.getActiveProducts(includeSubscriptionStates=listOf("retry_period", "paused")) { err: IaphubError?, products: List<ActiveProduct>? ->
    // On a success err should be null

Get all products

A method getProducts is also available in order to get the products for sale and active products in one call.

  Iaphub.getProducts() { err: IaphubError?, products: Products? ->
    // On a success err should be null

Get billing status

The getBillingStatus method will return useful informations if you have an issue with the products returned by the getProducts or getProductsForSale methods (for instance if no products for sale were returned).

  val status = Iaphub.getBillingStatus()

  // You should display an appropriate message if the billing is unavailable
  if (status.error?.code == "billing_unavailable") {
    if (status.error?.subcode == "play_store_outdated") {
      // Display a message saying that the Play Store app on the user's device is out of date, it must be updated
    else {
      // Display a message saying that the in-app billing isn't available on the device
  // Check the products that were filtered from the products for sale
  if (status.filteredProductIds.isNotEmpty()) {
    // The product ids in the array were not returned by Google Play

Buy a product

Call the buy method to buy a product

ℹ️ The method needs the product sku that you would get from one of the products of getProductsForSale.

  Iaphub.buy(activity=requireActivity(), sku=product.sku) { err: IaphubError?, transaction: ReceiptTransaction? ->
    var message: String? = null

    if (err != null) {
      if (err.code == "user_cancelled" || err.code == "product_already_purchased") {
        // No need to show a message here
      // The billing is unavailable
      else if (err.code == "billing_unavailable") {
        message = "In-app billing not available, make sure you're connected to your Google Play account and your Google Play Store is up to date"
      // The payment has been deferred (transaction pending, its final status is pending external action)
      else if (err.code == "deferred_payment") {
        message = "Purchase awaiting approval, your purchase has been processed but is awaiting approval"
        * The remote server couldn't be reached properly
        * The user will have to restore its purchases in order to validate the transaction
        * An automatic restore should be triggered on every relaunch of your app since the transaction hasn't been 'finished'
      else if (err.code == "network_error") {
        message = "Please try to restore your purchases later (Button in the settings) or contact the support (support@myapp.com)"
       * The receipt has been processed on IAPHUB but something went wrong
       * It is probably because of an issue with the configuration of your app or a call to the Itunes/GooglePlay API that failed
       * IAPHUB will automatically retry to process the receipt if possible (depends on the error)
      else if (err.code == "receipt_failed") {
        message = "We're having trouble validating your transaction, give us some time we'll retry to validate your transaction ASAP!"
        * The user has already an active subscription on a different platform (android or ios)
        * This security has been implemented to prevent a user from ending up with two subscriptions of different platforms
        * You can disable the security by providing the 'crossPlatformConflict' parameter to the buy method (Iaphub.buy(sku: sku, crossPlatformConflict: false))
      else if (err.code == "cross_platform_conflict") {
        message = "Seems like you already have a subscription on a different platform\nYou have to use the same platform to change your subscription or wait for your current subscription to expire";
        * The transaction is successful but the product belongs to a different user
        * You should ask the user to use the account with which he originally bought the product or ask him to restore its purchases in order to transfer the previous purchases to the new account
      else if (err.code == "user_conflict") {
        message = "Product owned by a different user\nPlease use the account with which you originally bought the product or restore your purchases"
    // If there is no error, check the webhook status (if it is enabled)
    else {
      if (transaction?.webhookStatus != "failed") {
        message = "Purchase successful!"
      else {
        message = "Your purchase was successful but we need some more time to validate it, should arrive soon! Otherwise contact the support (support@myapp.com)"
    // Show message
    if (message != null) {
      Toast.makeText(application, message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Restore user purchases

Call the restore method to restore the user purchases

ℹ️ You must display a button somewhere in your app in order to allow the user to restore its purchases.

Iaphub.restore { err: IaphubError?, response: RestoreResponse? ->
  // On a success err should be null

Show manage subscriptions

Call the showManageSubscriptions to display the Google Play manage subscriptions page.

ℹ️ Optional: You can specify the sku of an active subscription and you'll be redirected to the specified susbcription.

Iaphub.showManageSubscriptions({ (err: IHError?) in
  if (err != nil) {
    self.openAlert("Couldn't redirect to the app store, please check your subscriptions directly from the App Store App")



Prop Type Description
id String Product id (From IAPHUB)
type String Product type (Possible values: 'consumable', 'non_consumable', 'subscription', 'renewable_subscription')
sku String Product sku (Ex: "membership_tier1")
price BigDecimal? Price amount (Ex: 12.99)
currency String? Price currency code (Ex: "USD")
localizedPrice String? Localized price (Ex: "$12.99")
localizedTitle String? Product title (Ex: "Membership")
localizedDescription String? Product description (Ex: "Join the community with a membership")
group String? ⚠ Only available if the product as a group
Group id (From IAPHUB)
groupName String? ⚠ Only available if the product as a group
Name of the product group created on IAPHUB (Ex: "premium")
subscriptionDuration String? ⚠ Only available for a subscription
Duration of the subscription cycle specified in the ISO 8601 format (Possible values: 'P1W', 'P1M', 'P3M', 'P6M', 'P1Y')
subscriptionIntroPhases [SubscriptionIntroPhase]? ⚠ Only available for a subscription
Ordered list of the subscription intro phases (intro price, free trial)


Prop Type Description
type String Introductory type (Possible values: 'trial', 'intro')
price Double Introductory price amount (Ex: 2.99)
currency String Introductory price currency code (Ex: "USD")
localizedPrice String Localized introductory price (Ex: "$2.99")
cycleCount String Number of cycles in the introductory offer
cycleDuration String Duration of a introductory cycle specified in the ISO 8601 format (Possible values: 'P1W', 'P1M', 'P3M', 'P6M', 'P1Y')

ActiveProduct (inherit from Product)

Prop Type Description
purchase String? Purchase id (From IAPHUB)
purchaseDate Date? Purchase date
platform String? Platform of the purchase (Possible values: 'ios', 'android')
expirationDate Date? Subscription expiration date
isSubscriptionRenewable Boolean = false True if the auto-renewal is enabled
isFamilyShare Boolean = false True if the subscription is shared by a family member (iOS subscriptions only)
isSandbox Boolean = false True if sandbox transaction
isPromo Boolean = false True if purchased using a promo code
promoCode String? Promo code (Android: only available for subscriptions vanity codes, not available for one time codes) (iOS: the value is the offer reference name)
originalPurchase String? Original purchase id of a renewable subscription (From IAPHUB)
subscriptionRenewalProduct String? Subscription product id of the next renewal (only defined if different than the current product)
subscriptionRenewalProductSku String? Subscription product sku of the next renewal
subscriptionState String? State of the subscription
(Possible values: 'active', 'grace_period', 'retry_period', 'paused')
subscriptionPeriodType String? Current phase type of the subscription
(Possible values: 'normal', 'trial', 'intro')
androidToken String? Android purchase token of the transaction

ReceiptTransaction (inherit from ActiveProduct)

Prop Type Description
webhookStatus String? Webhook status (Possible values: 'success', 'failed', 'disabled')
user String? User id (From IAPHUB)


Prop Type Description
productsForSale [Product] Products for sale
activeProducts [ActiveProduct] Active products


Prop Type Description
newPurchases [ReceiptTransaction] New purchases processed during the restore
transferredActiveProducts [ActiveProduct] Active products transferred (from another user) during the restore


Prop Type Description
error IaphubError? Error
filteredProductIds List<String> Products that were filtered from the products for sale


Prop Type Description
message String Error message
code String Error code
params Map<String, Any> Error params

Full example

You should check out the example app.


The easiest way to implement IAP (In-app purchase) in your Android app.


Language:Kotlin 92.2%Language:Java 7.8%