ianic / zig-flate-benchmark

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Zig flate implementation benchmarks.

src/bench_data dir contains test cases:

  1. zig github repository
  2. war and peace book from gutenberg project
  3. large file from The Canterbury Corpus
  4. cantrbry file from The Canterbury Corpus
  5. 1GB empty file
  6. some uncompressed images with a small palette

Files are deflate compressed, without gzip or zlib header. Gzip and zlib adds header and footer around deflate stream. During decompression hash is calculated to check the one provided in footer. To be sure that we are not measuring hashing here we use just raw flate.

To produce new test case there is deflate tool in output folder after build.

This compares your local changes with current standard library and previous v1 standard library. Assumes that you have zig repository with some possible changes.

Then run bench script with path to your zig repository lib folder:

./bench.sh [path to your zig/lib folder]

In the bench output

  • std - current standard library implementation
  • v1 - previous v1 standard library implementation
  • my - your version



Language:Zig 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%