iandanforth / sai-assignment


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Coding Assignment


Files part1.py and part2.py implement the prompts and produce relevant charts which will open in your default browser.



  • Python 2.7


I recommend creating a virtual environment of your choice (pipenv, venv, conda) before installation however that is not required. e.g.

pip install pipenv
pipenv --python 2.7
pipenv shell

pip install -U -r requirements.txt

Tests + Coverage

pytest --cov


Part 1

The initial task was to implement a Q-Learning agent to solve a gridworld maze which changes after 1000 steps.

To implement this I modified the CliffWalkingEnv from the OpenAI Gym toytext suite to use a wall rather than a cliff. Like CliffWalking the Gridworld environment is deterministic.

Next I implemented a QAgent class to manage the agent policy, select actions, and perform learning updates.

Finally I instrumented the main script with relevant visualizations of learning progress using plotly.


python part1.py to run.

python part1.py --help for all options.

This will train a QAgent until it accumulates 200 reward (by default). A random version of the QAgent will also be run as a baseline.

The script will generate four charts.

  • A visualization of the greedy version of the policy after 1000 steps
  • A graph of the cumulative reward over the first 1000 steps
  • A visualization of the greedy version of the policy after all training steps
  • A graph of the cumulative reward after all training_steps

The final chart should look like this:


There is an interesting edge case here. If, prior to the wall update, the agent has not accumulated sufficient reward, the Q-table will not be populated with any values below the wall. This makes it easier for the agent to learn following the wall update. It doesn't have to unlearn anything as the portion of the Q-table below the wall is still essentially random. You can observe this with:

python part1.py --seed-type bad

If an agent receives sufficient reward prior to the wall update then it has to overcome prior knowledge and this takes substantially more time. Judging from the prompt this is the preferred case.

In part 2 we modify the wall-shift to 2000 steps to make it much more likely that agents have learned sufficiently before demonstrating relearning.

Part 2

The second task is to extend the previous training to support parallel and asynchronous updates to the policy. An optional component was to use multiprocessing rather than threading and that is done here.

The implementation draws heavily from SubprocVecEnv in stable-baselines. While that library allows for easy parallel training it is synchronous across environments requires Python 3.

I back-ported and adapted several key pieces of that library to provide a vector of AsyncQAgents which each manage their own env and are trained asynchronously. Each agent updates the shared multiprocessing.Array object (Q-Table) every async_update steps.


python part2.py to run.

python part2.py --help for all options.

This will train [2, 4, 6, 8] agents on the gridworld. wall_shift is set to 2000 as noted above to allow for sufficient early learning.

The script will generate nine charts.

For each worker_count it will generate:

  • A visualization of the greedy version of the policy after all training steps
  • A graph of the cumulative reward after all training_steps, for each worker and on average

Finally it will generate:

  • A graph of the average cumulative reward across the previous runs to compare the impact of increasing worker_count.

The final chart should look like this:


Hyperparameters are not tuned to produce the fastest training runs. Instead they are set to more clearly visualize the influence of worker_count on training.

Part 3

The final task is to implement a deep Q network (DQN) in the style of the original Nature paper and train it on the Space Invaders gym environment.

part3.py is the start of this implementation but it is incomplete due to time constraints. Please review the code to see the extension of work from Part 2. Generally the approach follows the same pattern:

A shared policy (now with separate lock) is passed to multiple agents each with their own gym environment.


As this is incomplete code there are additional requirements to get it running.

python part3.py - WARNING: This will consume all available CPU.




Language:Python 100.0%