iamscifi / EDn

EDn: A Self-Supporting Education Network

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


EDn: A Self-Supporting Education Network

Undereducated World: A System Of Global Self-Destruction Via Privatized Knowledge & How To Evolve Beyond Dark-Age Tactics

The Problem

Many people are undereducated or considered undereducated.

I'm part of the undereducated. My parents removed me from school after the sixth grade. Their one year of religion-based homeschool curriculum was nearly useless, to the point that it contained no science courses—beyond the most basic math. After that, putting me to work without pay was my only education.

Lacking the latter half of my social & scholastic education, I've spent the majority of my life feeling unprepared for society & unable to join. I feel like my experience & knowledge gaps are continually holding me back.

I count myself lucky to live in the Information Age, but the Internet merely allowed me to barely keep my head above the poverty line. I've never truly excelled because my life goals are larger than my nearly-nonexistent network.

I'm 37 years alive & the idea of college terrifies me—socially, economically, & I can't imagine being crammed in a small room filled with too many people for years on end. Static schedules give me suicidal depression. Casually glancing at the mental health of the planet, I'd guess I'm not alone in wishing for more options.

I can't fathom the extent of the undereducation problem (it's a Google blackhole that never ends), but given the state of humanity, I must assume the undereducated far outweigh the educated. Given the vastness of human knowledge, I'm not shocked over how limited organization restricts accessibility.

This imbalance suppresses the potential of countless individuals, spanning the globe.

Instead of using a system that dissects the population, I think we're better off creating new systems based on our current social maturity, given that our current systems were developed to create inequality rather than freely share knowledge. Structural inequality spans the entirety of human history, thus far. Just ask the 15ish% of the planet who remain illiterate—even though written language was invented over 5000 years ago.

Human potential is often limited by our knowledge of tools & their accessibility.

Just the other day, I watched the Theory of Gravity explained at five different levels of expertise. To my shock, I already knew & understood everything in the vid. Here I am, an expert noob, yet under our current education system, I'd likely never get a job as a physicist.

I'd be laughed at if I attempted a career in physics. They wouldn't care that I've read several books, watched even more vids, & read hundreds of articles on physics.

Why can't we freely prove our education & skill levels with something as simple as a system-verified public profile?

A Possible Solution

Knowledge is better shared than sold. With that in mind, this is the first draft of a free universal education tool.

EDn is a global education network that covers every subject of study. The network tracks & tests user progress on every studied subject.

EDn is built into every system, so after a user reads a random EDn article (or absorbs any form of knowledge from the network), EDn offers to test the user's understanding of the subject. The score is recorded on the user's public profile, & their public knowledge base expands. Over time, EDn randomly sends out tests to check subject retention/update the user's public knowledge base.

On the educator side, any user can submit an article of study to the network. This can be any form of information meant for educational purposes. Let's use this op-ed as an example.

Before sharing this piece with the world, EDn asks if I want to add it to the Knowledge Core. I answer 'yes.' From there, EDn asks me to choose/list every category related to the piece. After picking Education Reform, Education, A.I., Untested Novel Ideas, Automation, & any related category EDn suggests, EDn submits the piece to users who subscribe to the related categories.

From there, other users rate the piece using different factors, e.g., accuracy, feasibility, etc… Factors are subjective, so not all factors fit all subjects.

User ratings gain & lose power based on the subject they're rating. If a popular chef rates your recipe, their rating means more than some rando who's never boiled an egg.

As more users rate the piece, it goes up or down within the categories that relate to each rating user's knowledge base. Once a piece garners enough expert ratings, the piece is sent to an education expert who works with the piece's creator to adapt the knowledge for as many users as humanly possible & helps to create a test specific to the piece.

Using EDn, any user from any background can easily research any subject, knowing they're on the best track for their purposes.

EDn is neutral. It's only purpose is to collect & distribute information. If someone approaches you for a project, simply check their EDn profile. If they're on the level, their profile will reflect as much.

EDn is a free tool that could act as an alternative to college degrees as a dynamic-multispectral proof of knowledge/skill-level.

EDn Notes:

EDn matches students' weaknesses to medical workers' strengths. & EDn tracks all credentials, so the matches would happen automatically as each party is ready. All the system requires is a sign up, & then it does everything else based on medical standards.

The same could apply to any industry.

EDn also tracks real-world experience.

([[bold]]The Problem[[/bold]]

Many people are undereducated or considered undereducated.

I'm part of the undereducated. My parents removed me from school after the sixth grade. Their one year of religion-based homeschool curriculum was nearly useless, to the point that it contained no science courses—beyond the most basic math. After that, putting me to work doing fiber optics, without pay, was my only education.

Lacking the latter half of my social & scholastic education, I've spent the majority of my life feeling unprepared for society & unable to join. I feel like my experience & knowledge gaps are continually holding me back.

I count myself lucky to live in the Information Age, but the Internet merely allowed me to barely keep my head above the poverty line. I've never truly excelled because my life goals are larger than my nearly-nonexistent network.

I'm 37 years alive & the idea of college terrifies me—socially, economically, & I can't imagine being crammed in a small room filled with too many people for years on end. Static schedules give me suicidal depression. Casually glancing at the mental health of the planet, I'd guess I'm not alone in wishing for more options.

I can't fathom the extent of the undereducation problem (it's a Google blackhole that never ends), but given the state of humanity, I must assume the undereducated far outweigh the educated. Given the vastness of human knowledge, I'm not shocked over how limited organization restricts accessibility.

This imbalance suppresses the potential of countless individuals, spanning the globe.

Instead of using a system that dissects the population, I think we're better off creating new systems based on our current social maturity, given that our current systems were developed to create inequality rather than freely share knowledge. Structural inequality spans the entirety of human history, thus far. Just ask the 15ish% of the planet who remain illiterate—even though written language was invented over 5000 years ago.

Human potential is often limited by our knowledge of tools & their accessibility.

Just the other day, I watched the Theory of Gravity explained at five different levels of expertise. To my shock, I already knew & understood everything in the vid. Here I am, an expert noob, yet under our current education system, I'd likely never get a job as a physicist.

I'd be laughed at if I attempted a career in physics. They wouldn't care that I've read dozens of books, watched even more vids, & read hundreds (or more) of articles on physics.

Why can't we freely prove our education & skill levels with something as simple as a system-verified public profile?

[[bold]]A Possible Solution[[/bold]]

Knowledge is better shared than sold. With that in mind, this is the first draft of a free universal education tool.

EDn is a global education network that covers every subject of study. The network tracks & tests user progress on every studied subject.

EDn is built into every system, so after a user reads a random EDn article (or absorbs any form of knowledge from the network), EDn offers to test the user's understanding of the subject. The score is recorded on the user's public profile, & their public knowledge base expands. Over time, EDn randomly sends out tests to check subject retention/update the user's public knowledge base.

On the educator side, any user can submit an article of study to the network. This can be any form of information meant for educational purposes. Let's use this op-ed as an example.

Before sharing this piece with the world, EDn asks if I want to add it to the Knowledge Core. I answer 'yes.' From there, EDn asks me to choose/list every category related to the piece. After picking Education Reform, Education, A.I., Untested Novel Ideas, Automation, & any related category EDn suggests, EDn submits the piece to users who subscribe to the related categories.

From there, other users rate the piece using different factors, e.g., accuracy, feasibility, etc… Factors are subjective, so not all factors fit all subjects.

User ratings gain & lose power based on the subject they're rating. If a popular chef rates your recipe, their rating means more than some rando who's never boiled an egg.

As more users rate the piece, it goes up or down within the categories that relate to each rating user's knowledge base. Once a piece garners enough expert ratings, the piece is sent to an education expert who works with the piece's creator to adapt the knowledge for as many users as humanly possible & helps to create a test specific to the piece.

Using EDn, any user from any background can easily research any subject, knowing they're on the best track for their purposes.

EDn is neutral. It's only purpose is to collect & distribute information. If someone approaches you for a project, simply check their EDn profile. If they're on the level, their profile will reflect as much.

EDn is a free tool that could act as an alternative to college degrees as a dynamic-multispectral proof of knowledge/skill-level.

As an added bonus, EDn could be utilized as a global, community based voting system for any issue/idea. Any user may submit an issue/idea to any related categories. Upon submission, users who are subscribed to said categories are asked if they care to vote on the matter. As users vote, EDn alters vote weight based on an individual user's knowledge of the subject.

If this idea intrigues you, let's work together to build a world where life isn't merely a loop of overly complex bureaucratic moments.

The fact that most of humanity's economic & governing tools were designed before the Information Age, e.g., commerce, bureaucracy, human governance, war, etc. We've adapted these tools to the Internet, rather building new tools based around our current social & technological maturity.

(I believe the Cryptosphere is the birthplace for many of the new tools that will shape the future of our species.)


EDn: A Self-Supporting Education Network