iamrare / gender_inclusive_language

Gender inclusive language

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Gender-inclusive language

This is a list of gender-inclusive language that we use with some of our projects.

This list is organic, adaptable to local context, social context, priorities, cultural sensitivities, etc.

We welcome constructive feedback.

We welcome contributions in other languages.


Gendered pronounGender-inclusive pronoun
he, shethey
him, herthem
his, herstheirs


Gendered nounGender-inclusive noun
mother, fatherparent
daughter, sonchild
sister, brothersibling
niece, nephewnibling
wife, husbandspouse
girlfriend, boyfriendfriend, partner, significant other

Nouns & verbs

Gendered languageGender-inclusive lanuage
airmanairperson, air crew member, pilot
anchormananchor, anchorperson, newscaster
businessmanbusinessperson, executive, manager
cavemancave dweller
chairmanchair, chairperson, coordinator, head
clergymanclergyperson, clergy member
councilmancouncilperson, council member
committeemancommitteeperson, committee member
congressmancongressperson, congressional representative, legislator
craftsmancraftsperson, crafter
doormandoorperson, security guard
everymaneveryperson, the common person, the average person
freshmanfirst-year student, first-year member
laymanlayperson, church member, nonordained person
lineman, linesmanlineperson, line worker, line maintainer
mailmanmail carrier, letter carrier, postal worker
man (n.)person, individual
man (v.)to guard, to staff, to mind [the store]
mankindhumankind, humanity, human race, human beings, people
man-madesynthetic, artificial, hand-made, machine-made
manholeutility hole, sewer hole
manpowerworkers, workforce, staffing
middlemanintermediary, go-between
newsmannewsperson, reporter, correspondent
ombudsmanombudsperson, investigator, appointee
policemanpolice officer
postmanmail carrier, letter carrier, postal worker
spokesmanspokesperson, speaker
statesmanstatesperson, political leader, policy maker
steward, stewardessflight attendant
the common manthe common person, the average person
weathermanweatherperson, weather forecaster, weather reporter
Sir (in “Dear Sir,” etc.)Dear Reader, Dear Member, To Whom it May Concern
Mr., Ms.Mx.


United Nations - Gender-inclusive language - Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Russian


Gender inclusive language