iamkirankumaryadav / NLG

Natural Language Generation

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Natural Language Generation

  • NLG is a core component of how Generative AI (GenAI) works.
  • NLG is the capability of AI to turn data into natural language. So, NLG is AI that can communicate with humans.
  • Chatbots, voice assistants, and AI writing tools all use NLG. Basically, any AI system that's producing text is leveraging NLG.
  • e.g.Open AI ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot, etc.

How does NLG work?

  1. Language Model:
  • The AI 'brain' trained on massive amounts of text data and it is also trained dynamically when you enter your prompt.
  • Language models learn patterns and meanings, enabling them to generate text that sounds exactly like humans.
  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP):
  • NLP is the machine's 'reading' ability.
  • NLP refers to the machine's ability to break down and understand your commands, prompts, and the data you provide.
  1. Natural Language Understanding (NLU):
  • NLU is all about 'comprehension.'
  • It means the machine analyzes meaning and relationships within the data to ensure the generated text is accurate and makes sense.

Components of NLG:

  1. Data Input: The NLG system receives structured data (e.g., prompts, spreadsheets, database entries).
  2. NLP Analysis: NLP breaks down the data, identifies parts of speech, and analyzes syntax.
  3. NLU Interpretation: NLU determines the meaning and relationships within the data to guide the text generation process.
  4. NLG Content Planning: The NLG system decides what information to include and how to structure sentences and paragraphs.
  5. Text Generation: The language model produces the final output, crafting human-readable text based on the data and insights from NLP and NLU

What's the difference between NLG and NLP?

  • NLG is the process of translating data into text or speech using AI. NLP gives data to NLG.
  • NLP is the process of accurately translating what you say into machine-readable data, so that NLG can use that data to generate a response.
  • The machine has to "understand" the prompt or conversation in order to craft a response.
  • Put another way: NLP reads (or hears), while NLG writes (or speaks).

What's the difference between NLG and NLU?

  • In simple terms, NLP reads, NLU understands, and NLG writes ✏️
  • NLP translates what you say into data. An NLG system uses that data to generate language.
  • But what if the machine's answer makes no sense? That's where NLU comes in.
  • NLU is AI that uses computational models to interpret the meaning behind human language.
  • It analyzes the data produced by NLP to understand the meaning of your words and the relationships between concepts.
  • NLG generates language that sounds likes human. NLU makes sure that human-sounding language actually means something.
  • If the NLU does its job, you get a response from a chatbot or voice assistant that makes perfect sense.



  1. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants:
  • NLG-powered conversational AI systems answer common questions, troubleshoot problems, and even take orders 24/7, freeing up human agents for complex issues.
  1. Voice Assistants:
  • Voice assistants like Alexa and Siri use NLG to understand your requests, provide information, and control smart home devices.
  1. Machine Translation:
  • NLG software enables real-time translation, making websites, documents, and conversations accessible to a global audience, no matter what language they speak.
  1. Content Creation:
  • NLG tools can generate anything from basic product descriptions and social media posts to summaries and even full-length articles.
  • Today, even automated content generation at scale is possible across blog posts, landing pages, product descriptions, and more.
  1. Automated Reporting:
  • NLG turns raw data into clear, insightful reports, saving analysts valuable time.
  • Analytics platforms with NLG can even break down complex data, making findings accessible to non-technical stakeholders.
  1. Sentiment Analysis:
  • NLG helps companies understand how customers feel about their brand, products, or services by analyzing emotions expressed in language.
  1. Hyper-Personalization:
  • NLG can tailor content and recommendations based on a person's preferences and past behavior, leading to a more engaging experience.
Reading Language Understanding Language Writing Language
Processing and Analyzing language data Interpreting and understanding language input Producing logical, meaningful and appropriate text or speech
Converts unstructured data to structured data It reads data and create a structure Writes well formatted structured data
Smart assistance, language translation, text analysis Speech recognition, sentiment analysis Chat bots, voice assistance


Natural Language Generation