iamjohnlong / github-markdown-kitchen-sink

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GitHub Markdown Kitchen Sink

A large collection of code samples which have been tested against GitHub's markdown parser... so you don't have to.


This Repo
  • README.md (preview, raw) – this file
  • TEST.md (preview, raw) — used to test the examples from this file, which are pre-generated

Code Examples with Preview

Block Elements

This is a paragraph.
This is a paragraph.
Headers (Sextext-style)
Header 1

Header 2 --------

Header 1

Header 2

Headers (Atx-style)
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6
Headers (Atx-style closed)
# Header 1 #
## Header 2 ##
### Header 3 ###
#### Header 4 ####
##### Header 5 #####
###### Header 6 #####

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet [...]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus. Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.
Blockquote with nested elements
> ## This is a header.
> 1. This is the first list item.
> 2. This is the second list item.
> Here's some example code:
>     Markdown.generate();

This is a header.

  1. This is the first list item.
  2. This is the second list item.

Here's some example code:

- Red
- Green
- Blue
+ Red
+ Green
+ Blue
* Red
* Green
* Blue
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
Ordered List
1. Buy flour and salt
1. Mix together with water
1. Bake
  1. Buy flour and salt
  2. Mix together with water
  3. Bake
Code Block
Normal paragraph.

Normal paragraph.

Horizontal Rules
* * *


Inline Elements

This is [an example](http://example.com "Example") link.

This link has no title attr.

This is [an example] [id] reference-style link.

[id]: http://example.com "Optional Title"

This is an example link.

This link has no title attr.

This is an example reference-style link.

*single asterisks*

single underscores

double asterisks

double underscores

single asterisks

single underscores

double asterisks

double underscores

This paragraph has some `code` in it.

This paragraph has some code in it.

![Alt Text](http://placehold.it/200x50 "Image Title")

Alt Text


License:MIT License