iaminawe / smsar

Property Management (built with Drupal)

Home Page:http://smsar.me

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SMSAR ! Easy property management made with drupal 6

Manage a property website with drupal, easy


** Custom Fields for property, built in fields for title, description, price, location, rooms, type, status, size, broker reference

** Support for images (server side processing and custom actions) ** PDF version, send to friend ** Custom formatters for fields ** simple and easy google maps support ** Advanced and simple search ** Guided search (faceted search module) ** Taxonomy manager, and hierarchal select ** Theme provided is based on Blueprint css framework, nice layout and typography / forms etc .. ** Primary links (main menu) is based on the drop down css framework ** Contact form ** mailing list (simple news)

How to install

  1. Copy the files into the root of your website directory

  2. Create a mysql database using a GUI tool like phpmyadmin or using the command line : create database db_name default charset utf8;

  3. restore the database file in the db directory this can be done with:

     mysql -u username -p db_name < db/db; 

if you have drush installed, you can simply:

	drush sql-cli < db/db; 
  1. Open sites/default directory and copy the default.settings.php or rename it to settings.php and update the database configuration line.
  2. make sure the following directory is writable : sites/default/files sites/all/modules/print/lib/images/ sites/all/modules/print/lib/cache/
  3. Go to your website url (example.com/user), then login with the following :

user: admin pass: admin 7. Sign up for Google maps API key (http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html) 8. Go to "Site Configurations" > "Simplest Gmap" and replace the api key with your own. 7. Check the status report for any outstanding issues.

Demo website



Property Management (built with Drupal)


License:GNU General Public License v2.0