iaminawe / drupal-profiler_example

An example Install profile implementing Profiler.

Home Page:http://drupal.org/project/profiler_example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

# $Id: README.txt,v 1.1 2010/03/24 00:39:09 q0rban Exp $

Profiler Example is an example Install Profile for use with Profiler. To create 
your own Install profile, copy the directory that this file resides in, and 
rename all files and directories, replacing profiler_example with the machine 
name of your install profile. Then do a find and replace in this file to replace 
all instances of profiler_example with the machine name of your profile. Edit 
the renamed profiler_example.profiler.inc file to your taste, and 
presto-change-o, you've got yourself an install profile!


An example Install profile implementing Profiler.
