iamAden / Alternative-Assessment-WIF3005-2025

Students will work on migrating parts of a legacy system to a new architecture (e.g., from monolithic to microservices). They will also identify reusable components and refactor them to ensure they can be easily integrated into other projects.

Repository from Github https://github.comiamAden/Alternative-Assessment-WIF3005-2025Repository from Github https://github.comiamAden/Alternative-Assessment-WIF3005-2025

Alternative Assessment WIF3005 2025

Welcome to the repository for the Alternative Assessment WIF3005 (2025).

  1. Candidate is required to answer all questions.
  2. This is an Take-home Examination. Candidates are allowed to refer to lecture notes, book and any online or offline resources.
  3. Submit your answers to each question in the provided repository (Submission Repository) while ensuring the correct naming format: <matric-number>_<your-name>_<question- 
     number>, for example, WVA7008_Nana_Q1.
  4. For Question 1, submit only 1 PDF file in the folder named Question1.
  5. For Question 2, Submit Dockerfile in Dockerfile folder which include one comment that specify the link to your repository
  6. Submit one PDF only that contains proof of verified build and test in BuildTest folder.
  7. Make sure all files are committed and pushed to the repository before the exam time ended.
  8. Important: Cheating (e.g; using pre-built images or fake logs and snapshots) will result in a 30 marks deduction.


Students will work on migrating parts of a legacy system to a new architecture (e.g., from monolithic to microservices). They will also identify reusable components and refactor them to ensure they can be easily integrated into other projects.