iam404 / sample-ansible-playbook

Sample Ansible Playbook to install Web stack.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use the vagrant file provided to provision all nodes. Vagrantfile given will spawn 3 application nodes(centos 6) and 1 ansible toolbox to run the ansible script.

Steps to Deploy:-

  1. vagrant up

  2. vagrant ssh ansible-toolbox

  3. cd /vagrant/ansible/

  4. Run
    a. ansible-playbook -i hosts setup-haproxy.yml

    b. ansible-playbook -i hosts setup-app.yml


From inside Ansible-Toolbox Host (inside vagrant network bridge)

  1. curl

From Outside Vagrant Network:

  1. curl


Sample Ansible Playbook to install Web stack.