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Seminario de Investigación II - Código Curso 2020771

UNAL - Maestría en Geomática - 2023 2S -

Este es un curso que se dictará entre el 10 de agosto y el 30 de noviembre. Las clases son los días jueves entre 2:00 pm y 6:00.

Objetivos del curso

  • Aprender conceptos y desarrollar destrezas para la escritura de la tesis de maestría.
  • Brindar un espacio colaborativo para mejorar el pensamiento critico y la capacidad de argumentación de los estudiantes de maestría.


Semana 1 - 7 a 11 de agosto

  • Presentación:

  • Práctica:

    • Students write a summary of their thesis

    • Students write the structure & layout of their thesis

    • Students start writing first chapter of the Master Thesis.

    • If you are an advanced student you can start with a different chapter (any)

  • Readings:

Semana 2 - 14 a 18 de agosto

Semana 3 - 21 a 25 de agosto

  • Students check what is expected to write in the first chapter:

  • Lecturer reviews examples of completed master thesis on geoinformation science at Delft Technical Universit

  • The most important activity: Students write the first chapter (or the one which they have been writing)

Semana 4 - 28 de agosto a 1 de septiembre

  • Lecturer reviews examples of chapter 1 for M.Sc. thesis

  • The most important activity: Students revise the first chapter (or the one they are working on)

Semana 5 - 4 a 8 de septiembre

Semana 6 - 11 a 15 de septiembre

  • Your "first" chapter is due on 14 september at 11:59 pm

    • Send your pdf file by e-mail:
      • Use this subject: [TesisMG] Cap. X Nombre Apellido
      • Name your file as follows: TesisMG_NApellido_CapX.pdf
      • Copy to your supervisor(s)
  • Topics:

    • Students practice on summarizing an articule very relevant to their reseach
    • How to summarize?
  • Task:

    • Start writing your chapter 2 (or the one agreed with your supervisor)
    • Review that each section follow the MEAL writing strategy (as explained in class).

Semana 7 - 18 a 22 de septiembre

Semana 8 - 26 a 30 de septiembre

  • Topics:

    • How to write your chapter 3
  • Tasks:

    • Review your chapter 2
    • Talk to your thesis director to get feedback on your writing

Semana 9 - 2 a 6 de octubre

Semana 10 - 9 a 13 de octubre

  • Topics:

    • Feedback on chapter drafts
    • Q & A on thesis writing
  • Tasks:

    • Send your chapters 1 & 2 before 12 October at 11:59 am
      • Attach your answer to my observations & comments to chapter 1

Semana 11 - 16 a 20 de octubre

Semana 12 - 23 a 27 de octubre

Semana 13 - 30 de octubre a 1 de noviembre

Semana 14 - 6 a 10 de noviembre

Semana 13 a 17 de noviembre

  • Topics:

  • Task:

    • Edit and proofread your semester submission (i.e your chapters 1, 2, 3)
    • Make sure your thesis supervisor reviews your submission (and signs it)

Students send their submission to the jury not later than 23th november

Semana 20 a 24 de noviembre

  • Topics:
    • Every student prepares a presentation
    • Make sure your thesis supervisor reviews your presentation

Semana 27 de noviembre a 1 de diciembre

  • Manuscripts defense
  • Schedule to be announced



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