iachievedream / grocery-crud-codeigniter-4

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Grocery CRUD community edition for Codeigniter 4

Installation guide

The installation is really easy. You just copy all the files to your project and you are ready to use grocery CRUD!

By the end of the installation, your folder structure should look similar to this: (new folders/files are with bold)

├── app
│   ├── Common.php
│   ├── Config
│   │   ├── App.php
│   │   ├── Autoload.php
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── Format.php
│   │   ├── GroceryCrud.php
│   │   ├── Honeypot.php
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── View.php
│   ├── Controllers
│   │   ├── BaseController.php
│   │   ├── Examples.php
│   │   └── Home.php
│   ├── Database
│   ├── ...
│   ├── Libraries
│   │   └── GroceryCrud.php
│   ├── Models
│   │   └── GroceryCrudModel.php
│   ├── ThirdParty
│   ├── Views
│   │   ├── errors
│   │   ├── example.php
│   │   └── welcome_message.php
│   └── index.html
├── public
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── grocery_crud
│   │   ├── index.html
│   │   └── uploads
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   ├── index.php
│   └── robots.txt
├── spark
├── system
└── writable

The app/Controllers/Examples.php will look like this:

<?php namespace App\Controllers;

use App\Libraries\GroceryCrud;

class Examples extends BaseController
    public function customers_management()
        $crud = new GroceryCrud();


        $output = $crud->render();

        return $this->_exampleOutput($output);

    private function _exampleOutput($output = null) {
        return view('example', (array)$output);

The only required configurations is to add your database credentials into a .env file if you haven't already done that.

In order to access the URL file for customers_management your URL will look something like this:




The variable $output is an object that always includes the following properties - output, js_files, css_files. Below you see an example of a print_r of a variable $output :

stdClass Object
    [output] => Your output will appear here....
    [js_files] => Array
            [32fd432b4478200b5aacd62b65d5bdc269337910] => http://localhost/grocery-crud-codeigniter-4/public/assets/grocery_crud/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js
            [d04ba7f0d55dda1d4ba9b6532414c653c58b0318] => http://localhost/grocery-crud-codeigniter-4/public/assets/grocery_crud/js/common/list.js
            [2d2b031fb606852768dc4c9a3c457545558cc924] => http://localhost/grocery-crud-codeigniter-4/public/assets/grocery_crud/themes/flexigrid/js/cookies.js
            [6629a324ade6d489aff77292cb02e31d9188a6bb] => http://localhost/grocery-crud-codeigniter-4/public/assets/grocery_crud/themes/flexigrid/js/flexigrid.js
            [5238a822ff2c6cced38a61590ac6debcc847bc0b] => http://localhost/grocery-crud-codeigniter-4/public/assets/grocery_crud/js/jquery_plugins/jquery.form.min.js
            [41101518af3f8fb416f60152aa019d963ae9293b] => http://localhost/grocery-crud-codeigniter-4/public/assets/grocery_crud/js/jquery_plugins/jquery.numeric.min.js
            [8823261dedf8eda49cfa2a7a528b5182350a90ae] => http://localhost/grocery-crud-codeigniter-4/public/assets/grocery_crud/themes/flexigrid/js/jquery.printElement.min.js
            [2ea588263ae884c476a96f40dc6cedd5316bbd57] => http://localhost/grocery-crud-codeigniter-4/public/assets/grocery_crud/js/jquery_plugins/ui/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js
    [css_files] => Array
            [f1731e27afe02ab899b16daf8ae4a5ac8ac05d4e] => http://localhost/grocery-crud-codeigniter-4/public/assets/grocery_crud/themes/flexigrid/css/flexigrid.css
            [3e3f44ffabdcdd9017fa9db5262ce0465dde1322] => http://localhost/grocery-crud-codeigniter-4/public/assets/grocery_crud/css/ui/simple/jquery-ui-1.10.1.custom.min.css

The view at app/Views/example.php is a simple Codeigniter view file and includes the below code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
foreach($css_files as $file): ?>
	<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $file; ?>" />
<?php endforeach; ?>
	    <a href='<?php echo site_url('examples/customers_management')?>'>Customers</a> |
	    <a href='<?php echo site_url('examples/orders_management')?>'>Orders</a> |
	    <a href='<?php echo site_url('examples/products_management')?>'>Products</a> |
	    <a href='<?php echo site_url('examples/offices_management')?>'>Offices</a> | 
	    <a href='<?php echo site_url('examples/employees_management')?>'>Employees</a> |		 
	    <a href='<?php echo site_url('examples/film_management')?>'>Films</a>
	<div style='height:20px;'></div>  
    <div style="padding: 10px">
		<?php echo $output; ?>
    <?php foreach($js_files as $file): ?>
        <script src="<?php echo $file; ?>"></script>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

Default Routes

Installation Troubleshooting

Usage example

Simplest example

$crud = new GroceryCrud();
$output = $crud->render();

Most common usage example

$crud = new GroceryCrud();
    ->setSubject('Customer', 'Customers')
    ->columns(['customerName', 'contactLastName', 'phone', 'city', 'country', 'creditLimit'])
    ->displayAs('customerName', 'Name')
    ->displayAs('contactLastName', 'Last Name')
    ->fields(['customerName', 'contactLastName', 'phone', 'city', 'country', 'creditLimit'])
    ->requiredFields(['customerName', 'contactLastName']);

$output = $crud->render();

API and Functions list

Function name Example Small description
addFields $crud->addFields(['first_name', 'last_name', 'fullname', 'address']); The fields that will be visible to the end user for add/insert form.
cloneFields $crud->cloneFields(['customerName', 'phone', 'addressLine1', 'creditLimit']); The fields that will be visible to the end user for clone form.
columns $crud->columns(['first_name', 'last_name', 'age']); Specifying the fields that the end user will see as the datagrid columns.
defaultOrdering $crud->defaultOrdering('country', 'desc'); The default ordering that the datagrid will have before the user will press any button to order by column.
displayAs $crud->displayAs('contact_first_name', 'First Name'); Displaying the field name with a more readable label to the end-user.
editFields $crud->editFields(['first_name', 'last_name', 'fullname', 'address']); The fields that will be visible to the end user for edit/update form.
fieldType $crud->fieldType('contact_last_name', 'integer'); Changing the default field type from the database to fit to our needs.
fields $crud->fields(['first_name', 'last_name', 'address']); This function is really just a facade function to call all the 4 functions at once: addFields, editFields, readFields and cloneFields.
getState $crud->getState(); Simply get the current state name as a string.
getStateInfo $crud->getStateInfo(); Get all the information about the current state.
like $crud->like('contact_last_name', 'Tse'); Filter the queries with a extra where LIKE statement.
readFields $crud->readFields(['first_name', 'last_name', 'fullname', 'address']); The fields that will be visible when the end-user navigates to the view form.
render $output = $crud->render(); This is the most basic function. In other words this means “make it work”.
requiredFields $crud->requiredFields(['first_name', 'last_name']); The most common validation. Checks is the field provided by the user is empty.
setActionButton Example Adding extra action buttons to the rows of the datagrid.
setAdd $crud->setAdd(); Setting the insert functionality. This function is rare to use as the default is already enabled.
setApiUrlPath $crud->setApiUrlPath(site_url('/example/index'), site_url('/')); Change the default API URL path and instead use the provided URL. Useful when we use Routes.
setClone $crud->setClone(); Enabling the clone functionality for the datagrid. Clone is basically copying all the data to an insert form.
setDelete $crud->setDelete(); Setting the delete functionality. This function is rare to use as the default is already enabled..
setEdit $crud->setEdit(); Setting the update functionality. This function is rare to use as the default is already enabled.
setExport $crud->setExport(); Setting the export functionality. This function is rare to use as the default is already enabled.
setLangString $crud->setLangString('action_delete', 'Destroy'); Change any handle of the translation.
setLanguage $crud->setLanguage('Greek'); Set the language of the CRUD. All the languages that Grocery CRUD supports are listed at the Languages Support section.
setModel $crud->setModel(model('App\Models\MyCustomModel')); Changing the default model with a custom one.
setPrimaryKey $crud->setPrimaryKey('reference_id', 'products'); Set manually the primary key for a table.
setPrint $crud->setPrint(); Setting the print functionality. This function is rare to use as the default is already enabled.
setRead $crud->setRead(); In order to enable the “View” button at your grid you will need to use the function setRead. The view of the form (read only) is false by default.
setRelation $crud->setRelation('officeCode', 'offices', 'city'); This is the function that is used to connect two tables with a 1 to n (1:n) relation.
setRelationNtoN $crud->setRelationNtoN('actors', 'film_actor', 'actor', 'film_id', 'actor_id', 'fullname'); A connection for 3 tables with n-n relation (also known as n:n or m:n).
setRule $crud->setRule('username', 'Username', 'required|valid_email'); The setRule function is used to set a validation rule at the backend. Same as Codeigniter 4 setRule
setSubject $crud->setSubject('Customer', 'Customers'); Set a subject title for all the CRUD operations for the current CRUD.
setTable $crud->setTable('customers'); This is the database table that the developer will use to create the CRUD.
setTexteditor $crud->setTexteditor(['description', 'full_description']); Specifying the fields that will open with a texteditor (ckeditor).
setTheme $crud->setTheme('datatables'); The setTheme is used in order to change the default theme (flexigrid).
uniqueFields $crud->uniqueFields(['url', 'reference_id']); Check if the data for the specified fields are unique. This is used at the insert and the update operation.
unsetAdd $crud->unsetAdd(); Removing the insert functionality at the current CRUD.
unsetAddFields $crud->unsetAddFields(['address_1', 'address_2', 'credit_limit']); Unset (do not display) the specified fields for the insert form.
unsetBackToDatagrid $crud->unsetBackToDatagrid(); Unsets everything that has to do with buttons or links with go back to datagrid message
unsetBootstrap $crud->unsetBootstrap(); Do not load Bootstrap CSS. This is used when the Bootstrap CSS is already loaded at the template.
unsetClone $crud->unsetClone(); The method unsetClone is removing completely the Clone operation for the end-user.
unsetCloneFields $crud->unsetCloneFields(['address_1', 'address_2', 'credit_limit']); Unset (do not display) the specified fields from the clone form.
unsetColumns $crud->unsetColumns(['address_1', 'address_2', 'credit_limit']); Unset (do not display) the specified columns.
unsetDelete $crud->unsetDelete(); Unset (and do not display) the delete functionality (also unsetting the delete multiple functionality)
unsetEdit $crud->unsetEdit(); Removing the edit operation for the end-user (from the frontend and the backend)
unsetEditFields $crud->unsetEditFields(['address_1', 'address_2', 'credit_limit']); Unset (do not display) the specified fields for the update form.
unsetExport $crud->unsetExport(); Removing the export functionality for the current CRUD.
unsetFields $crud->unsetFields(['address_1', 'address_2', 'credit_limit']); Unset (do not display) the specified fields for insert, update, clone and view form. This method is simply combining the methods: unsetAddFields, unsetEditFields, unsetCloneFields, unsetReadFields.
unsetJquery $crud->unsetJquery(); Do not load jQuery. This is used when jQuery is already loaded at the template.
unsetJqueryUi $crud->unsetJqueryUi(); Do not load jQuery UI. This is used when the jQuery UI (CSS and JS) is already loaded at the template.
unsetOperations $crud->unsetOperations(); Removing all the permissions for any operation (expect print and export) for the end-user.
unsetPrint $crud->unsetPrint(); The method unsetPrint is removing completely the Print operation for the end-user.
unsetRead $crud->unsetRead(); The method unsetRead is removing completely the Read operation for the end-user.
unsetReadFields $crud->unsetReadFields(['address_1', 'address_2', 'credit_limit']); Unset (do not display) the specified fields for the view (read only) form.
unsetTexteditor $crud->unsetTexteditor(['description', 'full_description']); Unsets the texteditor for the selected fields. This function is really rare to use as by default there is not any load of the texteditor for optimising purposes.
where $crud->where('country', 'USA'); Filter the queries with an extra where statement.

Callback Functionality (Changing or enhancing the default behavior with callbacks)

Function name Example Small description
callbackAddField Example A callback that is used in case you need to create a custom field for the add form.
callbackAfterDelete Example The callback that will be used right after the delete.
callbackAfterInsert Example The callback that will be used right after the insert of the data.
callbackAfterUpdate Example The callback that will be used right after the update of the data.
callbackBeforeDelete Example The callback will be triggered before the delete functionality.
callbackBeforeInsert Example The callback is used in cases we need to add or change data before the insert functionality.
callbackBeforeUpdate Example The callback is used in cases we need to add or change data before the update functionality.
callbackCloneField Example A callback that is used in case you need to create a custom field for the clone form.
callbackColumn Example The method callbackColumn is the transformation of the data for a column at the datagrid.
callbackDelete Example The basic usage of callbackDelete is when we want to replace the default delete functionality.
callbackEditField Example A callback that is used in case you need to create a custom field for the edit/update form.
callbackInsert Example The callback is used when we need to replace the default functionality of the insert.
callbackReadField Example This is a callback in order to create a custom field at the read/view form.
callbackUpdate Example The callback is used when we need to replace the default update functionality.



$crud->setActionButton('User Avatar', 'el el-user', function ($primaryKey) { 
    return site_url('/view_avatar/' . $primaryKey); 
}, true);


Simple example:

$crud->callbackAddField('contact_telephone_number', function () {
    return '<input class="form-control" name="contact_telephone_number" id="something-unique" />';

Example with the use keyword:

$username = 'john';
$userId = '123';
$crud->callbackAddField('contact_telephone_number', function () use ($username, $userId) {
    // You have access now at the extra custom variable $username and $userId
    return '+30 <input name="contact_telephone_number"  /> for: ' . $username . '(id: ' . $userId . ')' ;


$crud->callbackAfterDelete(function ($stateParameters) {
    /* $stateParameters will be an object with the below structure:
     * (object)[
     *      'primaryKeyValue' => '1234'
     * ]
    // Your code here    

    return $stateParameters;

⚠️ Warning: Please have in mind that the callbackAfterDelete is called right after the delete operation. This means that:

  1. The record/row that you are looking for with the primary key will not exist if you have a query within the callback
  2. If you would like to have a soft delete then consider using callbackDelete instead


$crud->callbackAfterInsert(function ($stateParameters) {
    /* $stateParameters will be an object with the below structure:
     * (object)[
     *      'data' => [ 
     *            // Your inserted data
     *            'customer_fist_name' => 'John',
     *            'customer_last_name' => 'Smith',
     *            ... 
     *       ],
     *      'insertId' => '123456'
     * ]

    // Your custom code goes here. 
    return $stateParameters;


$crud->callbackAfterUpdate(function ($stateParameters) {
    /* $stateParameters will be an object with the below structure:
     * (object)[
     *      'data' => [ 
     *            // Your posted data
     *            'customer_fist_name' => 'John',
     *            'customer_last_name' => 'Smith',
     *            ... 
     *      ],
     *      'primaryKeyValue' => '1234',
     * ]

    // Your code goes here.

    return $stateParameters;


    $crud->callbackBeforeDelete(function ($stateParameters) use ($userId) {
        /* $stateParameters will be an object with the below structure:
         * (object)[
         *      'primaryKeyValue' => '1234'
         * ]
         $model = new DemoExampleModel();
         if (!$model->userCanRemoveCustomerWithId($userId, $stateParameters->primaryKeyValue)) {
            return false;

        return $stateParameters;


$crud->callbackBeforeInsert(function ($stateParameters) {
    /* $stateParameters will be an object with the below structure:
     * (object)[
     *      'data' => [ 
     *            // Your inserted data
     *            'customer_fist_name' => 'John',
     *            'customer_last_name' => 'Smith',
     *            ... 
     *       ]
     * ]

    // Your custom code goes here. 
    // returning false (e.g. return false;) will stop the form to continue 
    // and hence we will not insert any data. This callback can also be 
    // used as an extra validation check
    // Example that we can't insert a rejected entry if the message is empty                
    if ($stateParameters->data['status'] === 'Rejected' && $stateParameters->data['message'] === '') {
          return false;
    return $stateParameters;


$crud->callbackBeforeUpdate(function ($stateParameters) {
    /* $stateParameters will be an object with the below structure:
     * (object)[
     *      'data' => [ 
     *            // Your posted data
     *            'customer_fist_name' => 'John',
     *            'customer_last_name' => 'Smith',
     *            ... 
     *      ],
     *      'primaryKeyValue' => '1234',
     * ]

    // Your custom code goes here. 
    // returning false (e.g. return false;) will stop the form to continue 
    // and hence we will not update any data. This callback can also be 
    // used as an extra validation check
    // Example that we can't update a rejected entry if the message is empty                
    if ($stateParameters->data['status'] === 'Rejected' && $stateParameters->data['message'] === '') {
          return false;
    return $stateParameters;


$crud->callbackCloneField('telephone_number', function ($fieldValue, $primaryKeyValue, $rowData) {
    return '+30 <input name="telephone_number" value="' . $fieldValue . '"  />';


$crud->callbackColumn('menu_title', function ($value, $row) {
    return "<a href='" . site_url('menu/' . $row->id) . "'>$value</a>";


$crud->callbackDelete(function ($stateParameters) {
    /* $stateParameters will be an object with the below structure:
     * (object)[
     *      'primaryKeyValue' => '1234'
     * ]
    // Your code goes here
    return $stateParameters;

The most commmon example of usage is the "soft" delete:

$crud->callbackDelete(function ($stateParameters) {

    $model = new DemoExampleModel();

    // Soft delete

    return $stateParameters;

where the function customersSoftDelete at our model is the below:

 * Update customer record with deleted = 1 instead of removing the entry from database
 * @param string $primaryKeyValue
public function customersSoftDelete($primaryKeyValue) {
        ['deleted' => '1'],
        ['customerNumber' => $primaryKeyValue]);


$crud->callbackEditField('telephone_number', function ($fieldValue, $primaryKeyValue, $rowData) {
    return '+30 <input name="telephone_number" value="' . $fieldValue . '"  />';


$crud->callbackInsert(function ($stateParameters) {
    /* $stateParameters will be an object with the below structure:
     * (object)[
     *      'data' => [ 
     *            // Your inserted data
     *            'customer_fist_name' => 'John',
     *            'customer_last_name' => 'Smith',
     *            ... 
     *       ]
     * ]

    // Your code goes here. Have in mind that you are replacing the default insert functionality so your
    // code will need to include some insert methods

    // If you would like to return the inserted Id you should add it to the object like this
    $stateParameters->insertId = '1234';

    return $stateParameters;


$crud->callbackReadField('contact_telephone_number', function ($fieldValue, $primaryKeyValue, $rowData) {
    return '+30 ' . $fieldValue;


$crud->callbackUpdate(function ($stateParameters) {
    /* $stateParameters will be an object with the below structure:
     * (object)[
     *      'data' => [ 
     *            // Your posted data
     *            'customer_fist_name' => 'John',
     *            'customer_last_name' => 'Smith',
     *            ... 
     *      ],
     *      'primaryKeyValue' => '1234',
     * ]

    // Your code goes here.

    return $stateParameters;

Languages Support

So far Grocery CRUD has been translated into 36 languages:

  • Afrikaans
  • Arabic
  • Bengali
  • Bulgarian
  • Catalan
  • Chinese
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hindi
  • Hungarian
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Lithuanian
  • Mongolian
  • Norwegian
  • Persian
  • Polish
  • pt-BR.Portuguese
  • pt-PT.Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • es-UY.Spanish
  • Spanish
  • Thai
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Vietnamese

Thank you all for the support of translating 😄

Themes support

  • flexigrid (default)
  • datatables
  • bootstrap (only after purchase)
  • boostrap-v4 (only after purchase)

Migration from Grocery CRUD v1 to v2 (from Codeigniter 3 to Codeigniter 4)

TL;DR Ideally we highly recommend you to start from scratch! The usage logic hasn't change but almost 90% of the functions has!

Notice: Although Grocery CRUD Community v2 was built by having in mind to not change the main logic of Grocery CRUD please have in mind that Grocery CRUD version 2 is not backwards compatible. We've always been backwards compatible from Codeigniter version 1 to version 3; however as Codeigniter had changed the approach as well (and we believe that they've made the right choice) Grocery CRUD community edition is following the same direction.

If you are migrating from version 1 to 2 you will need to consider the below migration notes:

Renaming of functions

  • add_fields is now renamed to addFields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • clone_fields is now renamed to cloneFields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • columns now only gets an array as an argument
  • order_by is now renamed to defaultOrdering
  • set_rules is now renamed to setRule and it is supporting only one rule at the time. Currently, there is no ability to add multiple rules at once
  • default_ordering is now renamed to defaultOrdering
  • display_as is now renamed to displayAs
  • edit_fields is now renamed to editFields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • field_type is now renamed to fieldType
  • fields is now renamed to fields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • read_fields is now renamed to readFields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • required_fields is now renamed to requiredFields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • set_action_button is now renamed to setActionButton and almost all the parameters has changed. You can see an example at the section setActionButton
  • set_crud_url_path is now renamed to setApiUrlPath
  • set_clone is now renamed to setClone
  • set_lang_string is now renamed to setLangString
  • set_language is now renamed to setLanguage
  • set_model is now renamed to setModel and it gets the model as an object parameter and not as a string
  • set_primary_key is now renamed to setPrimaryKey
  • set_relation is now renamed to setRelation
  • set_relation_n_n is now renamed to setRelationNtoN and we've removed the ability to add a priority field as this was a very old outdated jquery plugin that was causing many issues (especially with newer versions of jQuery). We want to revisit this section at the future
  • set_subject is now renamed to setSubject
  • set_table is now renamed to setTable
  • set_theme is now renamed to setTheme
  • unique_fields is now renamed to uniqueFields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • unset_add is now renamed to unsetAdd
  • unset_add_fields is now renamed to unsetAddFields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • unset_back_to_list is now renamed to unsetBackToDatagrid
  • unset_bootstrap is now renamed to unsetBootstrap
  • unset_clone is now renamed to unsetClone
  • unset_clone_fields is now renamed to unsetCloneFields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • unset_columns is now renamed to unsetColumns and it only gets an array as an argument
  • unset_delete is now renamed to unsetDelete
  • unset_edit is now renamed to unsetEdit
  • unset_edit_fields is now renamed to unsetEditFields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • unset_export is now renamed to unsetExport
  • unset_fields is now renamed to unsetFields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • unset_jquery is now renamed to unsetJquery
  • unset_jquery_ui is now renamed to unsetJqueryUi
  • unset_operations is now renamed to unsetOperations
  • unset_print is now renamed to unsetPrint
  • unset_read is now renamed to unsetRead
  • unset_read_fields is now renamed to unsetReadFields and it only gets an array as an argument
  • unset_texteditor is now renamed to unsetTexteditor and it only gets an array as an argument

New functions

  • setAdd
  • setEdit
  • setRead
  • setDelete
  • setExport
  • setPrint
  • setTexteditor

Removed features/functions

  • callback_field is now removed. We are still having separate functions: callbackAddField, callbackEditField, callbackCloneField, callbackReadField but having one to trigger all of them was causing issues as every operation usually needed different implementation.
  • set_field_upload is now removed. The upload functionality was a feature that was causing security issues as it could work only to a public folder and the uploader was not up to date and it was causing confusion to the developers that just wanted to see it working and unfortunately they couldn't.
  • Removing the ability to use Grocery CRUD as preloaded library. For example $this->grocery_crud->render();. This was causing bugs and unwanted issues as the library most of the cases wasn't initialised correctly.
  • unset_list is now removed. Unsetting the initial grid causing issues with the redirections and the URLs to not be able to change and this is causing a development and an end-user confusion. It is very possible that we will revisit unset_list at the future (probably renamed as unsetDatagrid)

Changing default configurations/values

  • "Read" and "Clone" feature is disabled by default. You can enable them by adding $crud->setRead(); or $crud->setClone(); on your CRUD.
  • By default texteditor is disabled for performance purposes. In case you would like to enable texteditor you will need to specify which fields with $crud->setTexteditor
  • unsetOperations (previously unset_operations) is not removing the print and the export ability

For more information, visit http://www.grocerycrud.com


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 47.8%Language:JavaScript 40.9%Language:CSS 8.9%Language:ActionScript 1.7%Language:HTML 0.7%Language:Shell 0.0%