iPieter / robbertje

🧪 A collection of distilled Dutch BERT models

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RobBERTje: A collection of distilled Dutch BERT-based models

About RobBERTje

RobBERTje is a collection of distilled models based on RobBERT. There are multiple models with different sizes and different training settings, which you can choose for your use-case.

We are also continuously working on releasing better-performing models, so watch this page for updates.


  • February 21, 2022: Our paper about RobBERTje has been published in volume 11 of CLIN journal!
  • July 2, 2021: Publicly released 4 RobBERTje models.
  • May 12, 2021: RobBERTje was accepted at CLIN31 for an oral presentation!

The models

Model Description Parameters Training size Huggingface id
Non-shuffled Trained on the non-shuffled variant of the oscar corpus, without any operations to preserve this order during training and distillation. 74 M 1 GB DTAI-KULeuven/robbertje-1-gb-non-shuffled
Shuffled Trained on the publicly available and shuffled OSCAR corpus. 74 M 1 GB DTAI-KULeuven/robbertje-1-gb-shuffled
Merged (p=0.5) Same as the non-shuffled variant, but sequential sentences of the same document are merged with a probability of 50%. 74 M 1 GB DTAI-KULeuven/robbertje-1-gb-merged
BORT A smaller version with 8 attention heads instead of 12 and 4 layers instead of 6 (and 12 for RobBERT). 46 M 1 GB DTAI-KULeuven/robbertje-1-gb-bort


Intrinsic results

We calculated the pseudo perplexity (PPPL) from cite, which is a built-in metric in our distillation library. This metric gives an indication of how well the model captures the input distribution.

Model PPPL
RobBERT (teacher) 7.76
Non-shuffled 12.95
Shuffled 18.74
Merged (p=0.5) 17.10
BORT 26.44

Extrinsic results

We also evaluated our models on sereral downstream tasks, just like the teacher model RobBERT. Since that evaluation, a Dutch NLI task named SICK-NL was also released and we evaluated our models with it as well.

RobBERT (teacher) 94.4 99.2 89.1 96.4 84.2
Non-shuffled 90.2 98.4 82.9 95.5 83.4
Shuffled 92.5 98.2 82.7 95.6 83.4
Merged (p=0.5) 92.9 96.5 81.8 95.2 82.8
BORT 89.6 92.2 79.7 94.3 81.0

Recreating our experiments


The distillation procedure uses our own distillation library. This library uses Pytorch Lightning under the hood, so it should automatically be set up to use all the available GPUs or TPUs without any issues. If you encounter any problems with the distillation library, please open an issue in that repo.

Getting the data

You can download the shuffled and non-shuffled version of the OSCAR corpus here. At the time of training (early 2021), the dataset was available in sharded tars. The last shard is used as a held-out evaluation set, irregardless of training set size. We specified the training set size, which is obtained with head -c <size>.



🧪 A collection of distilled Dutch BERT models