iPaulPro / scaffold-lens-auction

Lens Auction Collect Module

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ— Scaffold-ETH 2 Scaffold-Lens

This project is a fork of Scaffold-ETH 2 that demonstrates how to build, debug, test, and deploy an Open Action Module on Lens Protocol using Hardhat.


  • βœ… Run a local EVM chain and test contracts locally with Hardhat
  • βœ… Deploy a mock ModuleRegistry contract
  • βœ… Deploy an ERC20 token contract used for whitelisted tips
  • βœ… Deploy an Open Action Module contract
  • βœ… Deploy a Collect Action Module contract
  • βœ… Debug local contract calls with a graphical interface
  • βœ… Verify contracts on Etherscan



Before you begin, you need to install the following tools:


To get started with Scaffold-Lens, follow the steps below:

  1. Install
    Clone this repo & install dependencies

    git clone https://github.com/iPaulPro/scaffold-lens
    cd scaffold-lens
    yarn install
  2. Start a chain
    Run a local network in a terminal from the root directory:

    yarn chain

    This command starts a local Ethereum network using Hardhat. The network runs on your local machine and can be used for testing and development. You can customize the network configuration in hardhat.config.ts.

  3. Start the app
    On a second terminal, from the root directory, start your NextJS app:

    yarn start

    Visit your app on: http://localhost:3000. You can interact with your smart contracts using the contract component and review all transactions in the block explorer. You can tweak the app config in packages/nextjs/scaffold.config.ts.

    Copy the burner wallet address from the top-right navbar menu.

  4. Set up environment
    Open config.ts in the packages/hardhat directory and set LENS_HUB to the address of the burner wallet provided by the nextjs project.

  5. Deploy
    On a third terminal, from the root directory, deploy the test contract locally:

    yarn deploy:local

    This command deploys the smart contracts to the local network. The contracts are located in packages/hardhat/contracts. The yarn deploy:* commands use the deploy scripts located in packages/hardhat/deploy to deploy the contracts to the network.


You can debug your smart contracts using the Contract Debugger. If you haven't already, from the root directory, start your NextJS app:

yarn start

Then navigate to http://localhost:3000/debug to open the debugger. You can now call functions on your smart contracts and debug them in the browser.

Debugging contracts

  1. Run the chain and deploy the YourActionModule and mock contracts to the local network, and start the app:
    yarn chain
    yarn deploy:action:local
    yarn start
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/debug.
  3. Select the TestToken contract and call the mint function to mint tokens for the burner wallet.
  4. Copy the address of the YourActionModule and the approve spending from the YourActionModule.
  5. Select the YourActionModule contract and call the initializePublicationAction function with a receiver address.
  6. Call the processPublicationAction with the call data.

Dealing with Action Module calldata

You can use https://abi.hashex.org/ to encode the data needed for the initializePublicationAction and processPublicationAction functions.

So for example, if you want to call the processPublicationAction function on the TipActoinModule with a $10 USDC tip, you'd first need to encode the data. The contract expects the following format for the processCalldataABI:

  "currency": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
  "tipAmount": 10000000

Input the values into HashEx and select the proper types:

Screenshot of abi.hashex.org

You end up with encoded calldata:


NOTE: You will add a 0x prefix to the encoded calldata copied from HashEx before calling the function.

You can also use ethers or the @lens-protocol/client to encode the abi parameters.


Run the smart contract unit tests from the root directory.

yarn hardhat:test

This will run the tests located in packages/hardhat/test with Chai.

Deploying to Testnet

Once you are ready to deploy your smart contracts, there are a few things you need to adjust.

  1. Set up environment
    To deploy on Amoy, you'll need to set up a .env.staging file in the packages/hardhat directory. You can use the .env.staging.example file as a template.

    Next, generate a new account or add one to deploy the contract(s) from. Additionally, you will need to add your Alchemy API key. Note that the key should correspond to the network you're deploying on (in this case, Amoy).


    The deployer wallet is the account that will deploy your contracts. Additionally, the deployer account will be used to execute any function calls that are part of your deployment script.

    You can generate a random account / private key with yarn generate or add the private key of your crypto wallet. yarn generate will create a random account and add the DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY to the .env file. You can check the generated account with yarn account.

  2. Deploy
    To deploy the YourActionModule to Amoy you can run

    yarn deploy:action:testnet
  3. Verify
    You can verify your smart contract on Etherscan by running:

    yarn verify:testnet

Deploying to Polygon Mainnet

Follow the same directions for deploying to Amoy, but use the .env file instead of .env.staging and :mainnet in the yarn commands, instead of :testnet. You will also need to set the ALCHEMY_API_KEY with a mainnet API key.

Using your own contracts

If you want to use your own contracts there are a few simple steps.

  1. Replace the YourActionModule.sol contract in /packages/hardhat/contracts with your own.
  2. Update the script(s) in /packages/hardhat/deploy to deploy your contract(s) instead of the mock contracts.
  3. Change the tag in the deploy:* scripts in /packages/hardhat/package.json to the tag(s) of your contract(s).
  4. (Optional) Remove the /packages/hardhat/contracts/helpers directory and related deploy scripts unless you want to use the TestToken contract for testing and debugging.

About Scaffold-ETH 2

Scaffold-ETH is an open-source toolkit for building Ethereum dapps, built using NextJS, RainbowKit, Hardhat, Wagmi, and Typescript.

Learn more about Scaffold-ETH 2 and read the docs here.


Lens Auction Collect Module

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 87.6%Language:Solidity 11.6%Language:JavaScript 0.8%Language:CSS 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%