iNuman / iNuman

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hello there

I’m a Computer Science graduate of 2020 batch as well as Android developer since 2018 enjoying each and every day of native development in both Kotlin and Java. I've developed countless apps for both clients as well as playstore. I came with an extensive experience of working on different technologies including Android Development and bit of Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Currently Working in : Convo

Organizations I have worked on : Leed | Software Development Company, Funprime Technologies, Lines Square Technologies and Khyber Coded

Currently learning

IOS Swift UI/Storyboard, Compose

Things I'm good at:

Languages: Android Kotlin, Java.


Languages: Python, Swift, C/C++, HTML, CSS Architectures: MVVM

Libraries & Tools Android: Kotlin, Java, Flutter(Basic), Design Patterns, Clean Architecture (MVVM), Jetpack Navigation Components, Payment Gateways (Google IAP, Easy Paisa, Subscriptions), Dependency Injection (Hilt), GitHub, Animations, Data Caching (Network Bound Resources), Firebase, One Signal push notifications, Material Design Guidelines (MDC), Static/Dynamic Json, Third Party libraries, Elastic Search, Rest Api, In-App Messaging (Firebase, One Signal), Remote Configuration, Retrofit, Gson, Okhttp Interceptors, Jetpack Compose(Beginner), Android Studio IDE, Sublime, VS-Code, Linux (Ubuntu, Kali), Jira, Slack, Google Meet.

Libraries & Tools Python: NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, SciPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly Keras, Tensorflow, Google Colab.



How to reach me 📱

Known on internet as Numansfolio
