iChenLei / effective-dart

The chinese version dartlang guide for you, include style doc usage and design

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Style Guide💅 Usage Guide🔖 Documentation Guide📃 Design Guide💎

What is the project ?

	// dart language 
	void main() {
		Map repo = new Map()
		  ..addAll({'name':'Effective Dart 中文版'})
		  ..adddAll({'status':'work in progress'});

Table of contents

🔥 Effective Dart: Style 🔥

  1. 标识符命名
  2. 代码顺序
  3. 格式化

Effective Dart: Usage

Effective Dart: Documentation

Effective Dart: Design

WIP (work in progress)

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上海寻梦科技(拼多多) 高速上升期,招聘算法-前端-客户端-Java开发-Python开发-Golang开发等 如果你正在寻找合适的工作,内推请联系我投递简历(E-Mail: eXVubGVpQHBpbmR1b2R1by5jb20=)



Copyright (c) 2018-present, @iChenLei


The chinese version dartlang guide for you, include style doc usage and design