iArnaud / subscribie

Collect recurring payments online - subscription payment collection automation

Home Page:https://subscribie.co.uk

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Subscribie - Collect recurring payments easily

Open Source subscription billing and management

What does this project do?

Use Subscribie to collect recurring payments online.

Quickly build a subscription based website, taking weekly/monthly/yearly payments- including one-off charges.

  • You have subscription service(s) to sell (plans)
  • Each of your plans have unique selling points (USPs)
  • Each have a different recurring price, and/or an up-front charge


Don't want/know how to code? Pay for the hosted service.



Quickly set-up a subscription site which can:

  • Collect recurring payments weekly / monthly / yearly ✔️
  • Sell subscription plans with an up-front cost ✔️
  • Sell subscription plans with both a recurring & an upfront cost ✔️
  • Create free trial plans which automatically charge after trial expires ✔️
  • Pause subscriptions ✔️
  • Cancel active subscriptions ✔️
  • Refund individual transactions ✔️
  • Create private plans which are hidden from the main shop ✔️
  • Create subscription payment links which I can send to people to sign up to ✔️
  • Recieve payments to my bank account daily from my subscribers ✔️
  • Automatically generate invoices for every payment ✔️
  • Automatically charge VAT to plans if VAT registered ✔️
  • Show the VAT amount on invoices if VAT registerd ✔️
  • Embed my shop in an existing website ✔️
  • Upload simple files (images, documents) to my shop, which only paying subscribers can see ✔️
  • View a history of all transactions which have happend through my shop ✔️
  • View all payment history of individual subscribers ✔️
  • Search payments by subscriber name ✔️
  • Search payments by plan name ✔️
  • Search payments by plan name & subscriber name ✔️
  • Add additonal team members to my shop to manage it ✔️
  • My Subscribers can login to their account and change their payment details ✔️
  • My Subscribers can login to their account and view their plans ✔️
  • My Subscribers can login to their account and download the files I have uploaded to my shop ✔️
  • My Subscribers can login to their account and vew the private pages I've created once they're logged in ✔️
  • Delay the number of days before the first payment (useful for cooling off period) ✔️
  • Set a cancel at date on plans so that payments automatically stop on a specified date ✔️
  • View statistics on the number of active subscribers ✔️
  • Divide my plans into categories ✔️
  • Require a simple text note from the customer during sign-up ✔️
  • Present 'options' and 'choices' to customers during signup, for example colour 'red, green or blue'? ✔️
  • Create subscription plans with a description & unique selling points ✔️
  • View upcomming payments ✔️
  • Export my subscribers as a csv ✔️
  • Export all transactions as a csv ✔️
  • Arrange the order that plans appear on my shop ✔️
  • Upload an image on each of my plans ✔️
  • Create basic pages on my shop, such as an about page ✔️
  • Create private pages which only my subscribers can see ✔️
  • Customise the welcome email to my subscribers ✔️
  • Change the 'reply-to' email on the welcome email to my subscribers ✔️
  • Upload my company logo ✔️
  • Set the slogan of my business ✔️
  • Integrate online chat with your shop ✔️
  • Inject custom code snippets ✔️
  • Integrate with google analytics ✔️
  • Change the colour of my shop ✔️
  • Is mobile friendly ✔️

Why is this project useful?

A lot of the hard work has been done for you. If you're a devloper, you can impress your clients quickly, if you're a small business owner, you might want to try the subscription website hosting service but you can always host it yourself too.

  • Low risk (not very expensive)
  • No coding required
  • Simple: Just enter your plans & prices
  • Upload a picture
  • Uses Stripe for subscriptions & one-off payments

Contributing & Help finding things: Where do I find x? Where is file y?

See CONTRIBUTING.md and quickstart below.

Quickstart (without Docker)

git clone https://github.com/Subscribie/subscribie.git
cd subscribie
cp .env.example .env # Copy default .env settings (read it)
# Read the .env file so you're familiar with the env variables

(Optional) Set database path. Edit .env and set DB_FULL_PATH and SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI. (optional but recommended- do not store data.db in /tmp).

Notice that sqlite:/// starts with three forward slashes. So, if you want to store the database in /home/sam/data.db then, you should put sqlite:////home/sam/data.db (note four /'s)

# Open the .env file, and change the database path to store somewhere else (e.g. your `/home/Documents/data.db` folder):


Create python environment and run flask:

python3 -m venv venv # Create a python3.x virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtualenv
pip install -r requirements.txt # Install requirements
export FLASK_APP=subscribie
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask db upgrade
flask initdb # (recommended- gives you some example data)

The database file is called data.db. Note, flask initdb inserts pretend data into your database for testing.

Set Stripe API key

You need a Stripe api key.

  1. Create a stripe account
  2. Go to api keys https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/apikeys (test mode)
  3. Copy Publishable key and Secret key
  4. Paste the keys into your .env file:

Edit your .env file


Start Subscribie

export FLASK_APP=subscribie
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask run

Now visit

Quickstart (with Docker)

If you like to use docker-compose workflow for local development:

git clone https://github.com/Subscribie/subscribie.git
cd subscribie
cp .env.example .env

# Start the container
docker-compose up

# Wait for it to build...

Then visit

To go inside the container, you can do: docker-compose exec web /bin/bash from the project root directory.

Logging & Debugging - How to change the logLevel

Quick: edit your .env file and set PYTHON_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG.

E.g. to reduce the amount of logs, to WARNING or CRITICAL.

The default log level is DEBUG which means show as much logging information as possible.

The possible values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL See https://docs.python.org/3/howto/logging.html

Flask does need to be restarted for the log level to change.

How to change theme (theme development)

How to change from the default jesmond theme to the builder theme.

  1. Edit your .env file


  • THEME_NAME="jesmond" to THEME_NAME="builder"
  • (optional) change TEMPLATE_BASE_DIR if you want to store themes in a different directory.
  1. Stop & start subscribie

  2. Complete. The other theme will now load

Create a new theme

If you're creating a new theme, then change TEMPLATE_BASE_DIR to a directory outside of subscribie root project.

API based authentication with jwt token


Locally you'll need to create public/private keys for secure jwt authentication.

  1. Generate public/private keys automatically
# Use the commands below to automaticaly create 'private.pem' file and key
openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
# Use this command to automatically generate your public.pem
openssl rsa -in private.pem -pubout > public.pem
  1. Update .env file with PRIVATE_KEY and PUBLIC_KEY

Logging in via jwt or basic auth

Provide the username & password in a POST request, and a jwt token is returned for use in further requests.

API Basics

Oauth style login:

curl -v -d "username=admin@example.com" -d "password=password"

Http Basic auth login:

curl -v --user "fred:password"

Then use the bearer token in a request to a protect path. e.g.

curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

Get all plans

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <token> "

Create Plan

Example POST request:

    curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" -d '
      "interval_unit": "monthly",
      "interval_amount": "599",
      "sell_price": 0,
      "title": "My title",
      "requirements": {
        "instant_payment": false,
        "subscription": true,
        "note_to_seller_required": false
      "selling_points": [

Update Plan

Example PUT request:

    curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT 
    -d '
      "interval_unit": "monthly", 
      "selling_points": [
        {"point": "Unique blend"}
      "requirements": {
        "instant_payment": false, 
        "subscription": true, 
        "note_to_seller_required": false}

Delete Plan

Example DELETE request:

curl -v -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"


How to setup/run tests

There are two types of test

  • Browser automated tests using playwright
  • Basic Python tests

Run Basic Python Tests:

. venv/bin/activate # activates venv
python -m pytest --ignore=node_modules # run pytest

Stripe webhooks

Stripe webhooks needs

Concept: What are Stipe Webhooks?

Stripe takes payments. Stripe sends payment related events to Subscribie via POST requests- also known as 'webhooks'). If you're doing local development, then you need Stripe to send you the test payment events you're creating. stripe cli is a tool created by Stripe to do that.

  1. Install Stripe cli
  2. Login into stripe via stripe login (this shoud open the browser with stripe page where you should enter your credentials). If this command doesn't work use stripe login -i (this will login you in interactive mode where instead of opening browser you'll have to put stripe secret key directly into terminal)
  3. Run
stripe listen --events checkout.session.completed,payment_intent.succeeded --forward-to

You will see:

⢿ Getting ready... > Ready! 
  1. Please note, the stripe webhook secret is not needed for local development - for production, stripe webhook verification is done in Stripe-connect-webhook-endpoint-router (you don't need this for local development).
stripe listen --events checkout.session.completed,payment_intent.succeeded --forward-to

Remember Stripe will give you a key valid for 90 days, if you get the following error you will need to do step 2 again:

Error while authenticating with Stripe: Authorization failed, status=401

Run browser automated tests with playright

Important: Stripe cli must be running locally to recieve payment events: stripe listen --events checkout.session.completed,payment_intent.succeeded --forward-to

Install Playweright dependencies

npm install
npm i -D @playwright/test
npx playwright install
npx playwright install-deps

Might see: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: browserType.launch: Host system is missing dependencies!

  Install missing packages with:
      sudo apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0\

Stripe-connect-account-announcer needs to be running locally if you're runnning browser automated tests locally.

Turn on headful mode & set Playwright host


Run playwright tests:

cd tests/browser-automated-tests-playwright
npx playwright test

Something not working? Debug playwright tests with the playwright inspector

PWDEBUG=1 npx playwright test

If you don't see the playwright inspector, make sure you have an up to date version of playwright.

Alternative debugging with breakpoints

  • Set breakpoint(s) by typing debugger; anywhere you want a breakpoint in a test. Then run with the node debugger active:
node inspect index.js

Useful node debug commands:

  • help # shows help
  • n # go to next line
  • list() # show code where paused
  • cont # continue execution until next breakpoint
For more information about test dependecies and how they work please go to testing.md

Saas Deployment

Needed components / services. Check the .env.example for each of them.


  • A Redis hostname is set
  • Redis is configured with password authentication
  • Iptables are configured for redis
  • Hostname is setup for stripe-connect-webhook-endpoint-router
  • Hostname is setup for stripe-connect-account-announcer (listening on port 8001 by default)

Where can I get more help, if I need it?

Read through the docs Submit a detailed issue

Docker help

How do I rebuild the container?

Sometimes you need to rebuild the container if you've made changes to the Dockerfile.

docker-compose up --build --force-recreate


Collect recurring payments online - subscription payment collection automation


License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:HTML 37.3%Language:CSS 26.5%Language:Python 26.3%Language:JavaScript 8.7%Language:Shell 0.6%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:TypeScript 0.1%Language:Mustache 0.0%Language:Mako 0.0%