iAlbertoJr / Legacy-Magic

MagicSpells configuration for server

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MagicSpells configuration for server


  • Standardise spell descriptions. e.g.
    • (Colour code)Spellname: Lv(memory) (school) spell
    • Descriptive text
    • [Requires (prerequisites)]
  • Standardise spell layouts:
    • spell-class
    • cast-item
    • spell-icon
    • casting costs (cost, cast-time, cooldown)
    • learning requirements (prerequisites, precludes, replaces, and memory)
    • spell-specific configuration (range, damage, etc)
    • modifiers
    • description and other strings
    • effects (particles, sound effects, etc)
  • Most vital strings to write:
    • Descriptions
    • str-cost
    • str-modifier-failed (if spell has require/denied modifiers)


  • Technology tree
    • Item creation spells should require bind, unbind, and scroll spells (which I suppose can be implicit in prerequisite descriptions), as well as 1-2 beginner spells
    • Intermediate spells should require an item creation spell (pads out memory cost)
    • Every school needs a grimoire and appropriate item creation spells tied to it (a few exceptions are allowed, such as the magic sickle, which is too vital to forest/solar magic to be heavily restricted)
  • Spell effects
    • Visual and sound effects are a great way to make spells characterful and "feel" magical. If a spell doesn't have any built-in and obvious effects (like a fireball or particle projectile spell) it should have some effects.
    • Spell effects should give some hint as to the school they come from
    • Even simple spells like eating or item creation benefit from spell effects
    • You can accompany spell effects with str-cast-self, str-cast-target, or str-cast-others, but often these will not be necessary


MagicSpells configuration for server