i493052739 / k-means

Author: Jasper, tofangsiyu@gmail.com

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k-means Algorithm

           									Author: Jasper Fang
										Python version: 3.0
										Matplotlib version: 3.0.3
										Numpy version: 1.16.2
										IDE: Sublime 3

### if the code cannot be run, please follow the steps at the end of this document ###

Data Loading:

  • get original data with labels

    At the very beginning, the project will load 4 types of data respectively, which are animals(50),

    fruits(58), veggies(60), and countries(161), there are 329 samples in total. In which each sample

    has 300 features (from word embedding). Moreover, get_data(dataPath,label) function will also label

    each group of samples from 1 to 4, which as the 301st feature of the data, and return them finally.

  • integrate (and nomarlise) data

    dataIntegrate(norm=False) function will call get_data(dataPath,label) 4 times for loading all

    the datasets, and integrate all 329 data together (by row_stacking of the array). Furthermore, this

    function can be used to decide nomarlise data or not, by controlling norm parameter as True or False.

Math functions:

There have some functions for future use:

  • Distance measure

    used by K-Means algorithm, for calculating the distance of 2 input vectors. In this project, it

    can do 4 types of distance measurements, which are Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance,

    Cosine distance, and Cosine Similarity respectively.

  • Factorial

    used by Combination calculations, return the factorial of input integer

  • Combination

    used by co-occurrence matrix (for calculating TP,TN,FP,FN), return C(n r) for input number or array


  • main class

    The algorithm will receive a dataset, specified k-number, and measurement method of distance firstly,

    then generate a set of random centroids for initialisation, and set instances from the dataset randomly.

    After that, the algorithm will assign all other instances to the closest cluster centroids and calculate

    the mean of each cluster, repeat this step until there is no change of clusters.

    Finally return all centroids and clusterAssments.

Model test and run:

  • do_k_1_to_10_test(data,distMethod) function

    can iter 10 times to create(record) a list of results, for visualise and further comparsion

  • find_highest_acc_of_kmeans(data,distMethod,k) function

    can iter 5 times (in default) to find a highest accuracy of current algorithm with k number of clusters

    in order to prevent the disadvantage of k-means algorithm that may converge into local optimum

Model Evaluation:

  • co-oc matrix

    k-means will output an array contains 2 columns: [clusters, origin class], and we sum this pair of

    output data into a co-oc matrix like the table below:

    +-----+-----+-----+-----+---- | | k1 | k2 | k3 |... +-----+-----+-----+-----+---- | c1 | 5 | 1 | 67 |... +-----+-----+-----+-----+---- | c2 | 76 | 3 | 13 |...
    +-----+-----+-----+-----+---- | ... | 2 | 93 | 7 |... +-----+-----+-----+-----+----


    In k-means algorithm, (like the previous co-oc matrix table, when k=3 c=3)

    TP+FP = C(83 2) + C(97 2) + C(87 2)
    TP+FN = C(83 2) + C(92 2) + C(102 2)
    TP+TN+FP+FN = C(n 2) = C(267 2)
    TP = C(5 2) + C(76 2) + C(2 2) + C(3 2) + C(93 2) + C(67 2) + C(13 2) + C(7 2)
    FP = (TP+FP) - TP
    FN = (TP+FN) - TP
    TN = (TP+TN+FP+FN) - TP - FP - FN

    And get_tp_tn_fp_fn(co-ocMetrix) will calculate these 4 measurements follows above method and return.

  • Precision, Recall, F1Score

    get_p_r_f(co-ocMetrix) function will use TP,TN,FP,FN to calculate Precision, Recall, and F1score.

    follows the formula: P=TP/(TP+FP), R=TP/(TP+FN), F1=(2PR)/(P+R)

  • Rand Index

    get_RI(co-ocMetrix) will calculate to Rand Index of k-means' result, which follows the formula:

    RI = (TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN)

  • Purity

    get_purity(co-ocMetrix) receives co-oc matrix, and will find the most frequent class of every cluster

    them sum together to return the Purity of k-means' result.

  • k_best

    After all results are generated, the best k value will be found from the highest F1-score's result.


Finally, the visualise() function will receives the final list of results and visualise them.


    import k_means as km

    data = km.dataGet_Integrate(norm=False)  # option for normalisation or not

    aVeryCuteKmeans = km.K_Means(dataSet=data,itr=10,distMethod='distEuclid') # option for 3 distance measurments
    # or use 'distEuclid'
    # or use 'distManhattan'
    # or use 'cosineSimi'
    # or     'distCosine'

    aVeryCuteKmeans.do_k_1_to_10_test() # from k=1 to 10, calculate and generate a list of results

              and the output parameters as below:
    aVeryCuteKmeans.K_List # k from 1 to 10
    aVeryCuteKmeans.P_List # precision list from k=1 to 10
    aVeryCuteKmeans.R_List # recall list from k=1 to 10
    aVeryCuteKmeans.F_List # f1-score list from k=1 to 10
    aVeryCuteKmeans.purityList # purity list from k=1 to 10
    aVeryCuteKmeans.k_best # the best k of all results
    aVeryCuteKmeans.cm_4 # the best result (co-oc metrix) with the highest F1-Score and accuracy when k=4

If the code cannot be run successfully

  1. BrokenPipeError delete print() function and replaced by an output Stream or run in Anaconda or Colab

  2. ERROR at import matplotlib.pyplot as plt add a code before import plt, mpl.use('TkAgg') for changing the backend of plt 3.0.3 in macOS

  3. Unknown Error contact the author tofangsiyu@gmail.com


Author: Jasper, tofangsiyu@gmail.com


Language:Python 100.0%