i386 / infra-cla

Contributor License Agreement of the Jenkins project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jenkins project CLA

icla.txt and ccla.txt contain the CLA paper. In particular, icla.txt and ccla.txt in the approved branch are the official versions that people should be using. See the governance document for the background.

How to file CLA

Individual CLA

For each committer that works on the core, ICLA must be in place:

  • Fork this repository, and check it out locally
  • Create a directory under collected/icla/YOURNAME where YOURNAME is your Jenkins community ID
  • Have ICLA printed, signed, scanned back to PDF. Encrypt it (see below) and put it as collected/icla/YOURNAME/cla.pdf.asc
  • Add a property file at collected/icla/YOURNAME/committer.properties and list your name, email address, and GitHub ID.
  • If your company has a signed CCLA in place, create a symlink at collected/icla/YOURNAME/ccla to the corresponding ../../ccla/COMPANY directory.
  • File your fork as a pull request

There should be a plenty of examples of this in our PR section .

To encrypt your CLA, you need gpg. First, obtain the public key of the Jenkins board:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jenkinsci/infra-cla/approved/publicKey.asc | gpg --import

The command to sign it is:

gpg --encrypt --sign --armor -r "Jenkins Project CLA" < cla.pdf > cla.pdf.asc

Corporate CLA

If you work on Jenkins core on behalf of your employer, your company needs to have CCLA in place. Have CCLA printed, signed, scanned back to PDF, then send it to jenkinsci-cla@googlegroups.com along with your account on Jenkins.

How to accept PR

A board member accepts a submitted PR via the following step.

  • Check that the submission is in order
  • Check that cla.pdf.asc can be indeed decrypted, and make sure it has valid content
  • Merge the PR
  • Create a signed tag (git tag -s) on the merge commit to create a proof
  • Add the person to the core team


Contributor License Agreement of the Jenkins project


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