i10416 / fullcross.g8

full cross project template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A Giter8 template for full cross project against jvm, js and native platform

g8 i10416/fullcross.g8


setup gpg

1: generate key

 gpg --gen-key
export LONG_ID=
gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys $LONG_ID
gpg --armor --export-secret-keys $LONG_ID | base64 -w0

2: export PGP_PASSPHRASE,PGP_SECRET,SONATYPE_PASSWORD and SONATYPE_USERNAME at https://github.com/`id`/`repo`/settings/secrets/actions

3: push tag

git tag -a v0.0.1 -m "v0.0.1"
git push origin v0.0.1

Template license

Written in 2022 by Yoichiro Ito contact.110416+fullcross@gmail.com [other author/contributor lines as appropriate]

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.


full cross project template


Language:Scala 100.0%