i-resheh / search_autocomplete

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Search Autocomplete Flutter Package

Buy Me A Pizza


This Flutter package provides a SearchAutocomplete widget for implementing autocomplete functionality with a dropdown menu. The package offers extensive customization options for the search field, dropdown items, and includes hooks for search logic.


To use this package, add search_autocomplete as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

  search_autocomplete: ^0.0.5


  • Customizable search field
  • Customizable dropdown items
  • Hooks for search logic
  • Initial value support
  • Placeholder text support
  • Widget to display when the dropdown is empty

State Management Compatibility

  • Designed to work seamlessly with Cubit/Bloc and other orthodox state managers. Since the list updating logic resides higher up in the widget tree, it allows for a clean separation between UI and logic.


Here's a quick example to show how to use SearchAutocomplete widget:

  options: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange'],
  initValue: 'Apple',
  onSearch: (query) {
    // Implement your search logic here
  onSelected: (item) {
    // Handle selection
  getString: (item) => item,


Both the search field and the dropdown items can be customized using fieldBuilder and dropDownBuilder respectively.

  // ...
  fieldBuilder: (controller, onFieldTap, showDropdown) {
    return TextFormField(
      // Customizations here
  dropDownBuilder: (options, onSelected) {
    return ListView.builder(
      // Customizations here


This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.md file for details.