i-moonlight / ads_manager_api

LinkClicks (Social Login) backend

Repository from Github https://github.comi-moonlight/ads_manager_apiRepository from Github https://github.comi-moonlight/ads_manager_api

Link Clicks Ads Manager API

The Link Clicks Ads Manager uses a Django API server.

Simple starter built with Python / Django Rest / Sqlite3 and JWT Auth. Passwordless authentication is done by email.

✨ How to use the code

πŸ‘‰ Step #1 - Clone the sources

$ git clone https://github.com/LinkClicks/ads_manager_api.git
$ cd ads_manager_api

πŸ‘‰ Step #2 - Create a virtual environment

$ # Virtualenv modules installation (Unix based systems)
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ # Virtualenv modules installation (Windows based systems)
$ # virtualenv env
$ # .\env\Scripts\activate

πŸ‘‰ Step #3 - Install dependencies using PIP

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

πŸ‘‰ Step #4 - Create a new .env file using sample env.sample

πŸ‘‰ Step #5 - Set up the databases

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py meta_setup

πŸ‘‰ Step #6 - Start the API servers

python manage.py qcluster

in another window run

uvicorn core.asgi:application --port 8000 --workers 4 --log-level debug --reload

The API server will start using the default port 8000.


LinkClicks (Social Login) backend



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