i-ansi / SUCCEED-BOT

A Discord-Bot which helps coders in tracking their progress based on no. of successful submissions on different online judges.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




A Discord-Bot built with JavaScript using API : https://competitive-coding-api.herokuapp.com/api/. It takes user's handle of different online platforms, i.e., Codechef, Codeforces, Spoj and Interviewbit via different commands {shown in the screenshot} and helps them in tracking the no. of successful submissions they have made by fetching the required details via above mentioned api.


  • Clone the repository 'Succeed-Bot' by clicking on the Clone button https://github.com/ansi22/Succeed-Bot.git. Alternatively, download the repository.
  • Navigate to the folder $ cd Succeed-Bot
  • Install all the required dependencies $ npm i
  • To run and logg into the bot : $ node score-bot.js


A Discord-Bot which helps coders in tracking their progress based on no. of successful submissions on different online judges.


Language:JavaScript 99.5%Language:Procfile 0.5%