hzyhhzy / BoardGameNN_template

A simple neural network training template for board games

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple neural network training template for board games

Data format

Put your dataset at the root dir as alldata.npz
alldata.npz should contain 4 matrices: bf,gf,vt,pt
bf: Board Features, Location-specific features. shape=[N,C1,H,W] eg. where are black stones and white stones
gf: Global Features. shape=[N,C2] eg. which color is the next player
vt: Value Target. shape=[N,3] probability of win/loss/draw for the next player
pt: Policy Target. shape=[N,H*W] probability of the next move

input_c in model.py should be C1+C2
C2 should not be zero. If you don't need global features, you can let C2=1 and fill it with zero
You should modify Board.nninput() in play.py based on the format of your dataset

Training scripts


Run train.py -h to see the usage


You can play with your trained model here.
You should implement your game rules and NNinput(bf and gf) in "Board" class


A very simple ResNet.
You should change input_c here based on your dataset
You can design other models in this file and add it to ModelDic


This script will concat bf and gf, and apply random symmetry.


Global variables


A simple neural network training template for board games

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%