hzoo / cst

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JavaScript CST implementation


CST means Concrete Syntax Tree. Unlike AST (which is Abstract Syntax Tree), CST contains the whole information from the JavaScript source file: whitespace, punctuators, comments. This information is extremely useful for code style checkers and other code linters. CST is also useful for cases, when you need to apply modifications to existing JavaScript files and preserve initial file formatting.

This CST implementation is designed to be 100% compatible with JS AST (https://github.com/estree/estree).

Main principles:

  • CST contains all the information from parsed file (including whitespace and comments).
  • Compatible with AST (https://github.com/estree/estree).
  • Requires tokens to modify CST structure.
  • The tree is always valid (it protects itself against breaking changes).
  • CST can be rendered to valid JS at any time.

Let's see an example:

x = 0;
if (x) x++;

CST for this example:

  • Blue text — CST Tokens.
  • White text in blue blocks — CST Nodes (their structure is equal to AST).
  • Blue lines — CST Structure.
  • Red lined — AST Links.



Element is the base class for Node and Token.

Provides traversing properties:

  • childElements: Element[], parentElement: Element|null: child/parent traversing.
  • nextSibling: Element|null, previousSibling: Element|null: traversing between siblings.
  • nextToken: Token|null, previousToken: Token|null: traversing to next/previous token.
  • firstToken: Token|null, lastToken: Token|null: traversing to first/last tokens (not only direct tokens).
  • firstChild: Token|null, lastChild: Token|null: traversing to first/last direct child.

Code-related properties:

  • sourceCode: generates and return JavaScript code of the specified Element
  • sourceCodeLength: returns JavaScript code length
  • isToken, isNode, isExpression, isStatement, isWhitespace, isComment, isPattern, isAssignable, isFragment: code entity flags.

Provides mutation methods:

  • appendChild(element): appends child to the end of the Element
  • prependChild(element): prepends child to the end of the Element
  • insertChildBefore(element, referenceChild): inserts child before referenceChild
  • replaceChildren(element, firstChildRef, lastChildRef): replaces specified child interval (from firstChildRef to lastChildRef) with specified child.

Location properties:

  • range: [Number, Number]: calculates and returns Element range.
  • loc: {start: {line: Number, column: Number}, end: {line: Number, column: Number}}: calculates and returns Element location.


Node extends Element. Nodes are "AST part of CST". If you drop everything but Nodes from this CST, you will get pure AST from the Node structure. So it is fair to say that Nodes provide AST logic for CST. Right now only Nodes can contain children.

For Nodes property isNode always return true.


Token extends Element. Tokens in the tree are the purpose of CST. By manipulating using only tokens, we can change code formatting without any effect on the behaviour.

For Tokens property isToken always return true.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%