hzoo / awesome-browser-extensions-for-github

A collection of awesome browser extensions for GitHub.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Awesome browser extensions for GitHub Awesome

A collection of awesome browser extensions for GitHub.

Displays your GitHub notifications unread count. Supports GitHub Enterprise and an option to only show unread count for issues you're participating in. You can click the icon to quickly see your unread notifications.

List prompt

Make tab indented code more readable by forcing the tab size to 4 instead of 8.

List prompt

Hide dotfiles from the GitHub file browser.

List prompt

Octo-Linker is a Google Chrome Extension which links NPM, bower, Composer & Duo dependencies to their GitHub repository page. It also solve require() statments in a .js, .jsx, .coffee or .md file.

List prompt

Highlight selected word in GitHub source view like Sublime Text.

List prompt

Simple and discreet extension that enhances GitHub's search, letting you search for repositories and people faster than ever.

List prompt

Useful for developers who frequently read source in GitHub and do not want to download or checkout too many repositories.

List prompt

ZenHub Chrome Firefox

ZenHub is the first and only project management suite that works natively within GitHub; enhancing your workflow with features built specifically for startups, fast-moving engineering teams, and the open-source community. The product is a browser extension that injects advanced functionality including real-time drag-and-drop Issue Task Boards, peer feedback via a +1 button, and support for uploading any file type directly into the GitHub interface. ZenHub makes it easy to centralize all processes into GitHub, keeping your team lean and agile.

List prompt

Add breakpoints at 1400px, 1600px and 1800px for full GitHub experience on large screens. Also removes the truncating of file and directory names in the repository browser.

List prompt

Allows you to toggle between the normal GitHub contribution chart and an isometric pixel art version.

List prompt

Makes it easy to see if a GitHub project has a Gitter room.

List prompt

Adds various useful features to GitHub:

  1. Download any file by clicking the file icon.
  2. Show tooltip of your unread notifications.
  3. Show Repo size.
  4. Show 'GH Page' link button if it has GitHub Pages.
  5. Tab size customising between 2/4/8 whitespace.

Download file

Makes it easy to access repository info from a GitHub pages website.

List prompt

See forks with the most stars under the names of repositories.

Slate fork

Add ability to filter files in pull requests.

GitHub Pr Filter

View the abstract syntax tree (AST) of code on GitHub.

GitHub AST Viewer

Neat user/repo/issue hovercard for GitHub.

GitHub Hovercard

Choose from a set of canned responses when commenting on your GitHub PRs or issues

GitHub Canned Responses

Displays a clickable outline of all topic headers for markdown documents on Github

GitHub Markdown Outline Extension

Categorize your mixed GitHub notifications

GitHub Categoric

Displays live previews of Markdown comments while you type. Works with Issues + Pull Requests.

GitHub OctoPreview Extension

Extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features.

Refined GitHub

Show both Issues and Pull Requests in the Issues tab by default. As it previously did.

Show All GitHub Issues


A collection of awesome browser extensions for GitHub.