is a component which allows you to do remote and local CRUD operations.
Those CRUD operations must be done through one single API.
The main goal is to provide CRUD methods for each registered models.
Fetch and return the first item matching the criteria.
func findOne<T>(model: T.Type, criteria: [String: Any]?, callback: @escaping (Result<T>) -> (Void))
Fetch and return all items matching the criteria.
func find<T>(model: T.Type, criteria: [String: Any]? = nil, callback: @escaping (Result<[T]>) -> (Void))
Create and persist a collection of T.
func store<T>(_ models: [T], callback: @escaping (Result<[T]>) -> (Void))
Create and persist an instance of a T.
func storeOne<T>(_ model: T, callback: @escaping (Result<T>) -> (Void))
Update an instance of T
func update<T>(_ models: [T], callback: @escaping (Result<[T]>) -> (Void))
Update an instance of T
func updateOne<T>(_ model: T, callback: (Result<T>) -> (Void))
Remove items
func remove<T>(_ models: [T], callback: (Result<[T]>) -> (Void))
To achieve this, we are using a Design Pattern (DP) called Repository.
Our Repository
is a protocol that define the methods to implement for your local and remote datasource.
* Protocol that defines methods to implement for a Model's repository.
public protocol Repository {
associatedtype ModelType
func find(criteria: [String: Any]?, completion: (Result<[ModelType]>) -> (Void))
func findOne(criteria: [String: Any]?, completion: (Result<ModelType>) -> (Void))
func store(models: [ModelType], completion: (Result<[ModelType]>) -> (Void))
func storeOne(model: ModelType, completion: (Result<ModelType>) -> (Void))
func update(models: [ModelType], completion: (Result<[ModelType]>) -> (Void))
func updateOne(model: ModelType, completion: (Result<ModelType>) -> (Void))
func remove(models: [ModelType], completion: (Result<[ModelType]>) -> (Void))
func storeOrUpdate(models: [ModelType], completion: (Result<[ModelType]>) -> (Void))
The benefit of the associatedtype
allows us to directly infer the type to be managed.
Two other parameters presented here are,criteria
which allows you to target specific entities andResult <T>
which contains the targeted entity with some meta information about, the origin of the data:
open class Result<T> {
public var metadata: [Evocation.RepositoryType: [String: AnyObject]]
public var data: T?
public var origin: Evocation.RepositoryType?
public var error: Error?
As a reminder, the purpose of the library is to provide a common interface for data management whether the source is remote (Webservice) or local (Database).
, the singleton which will be the common interface.Proxy <T>
, which will maintain the repositories for a given model. This proxy will be subject to management templates that can be configured viaStrategies
, The configuration Object which define the behavior of the proxy.Repository <T>
, which is the interface we presented previously.
Below is an explanation of the general operation:
for a modelFoo
.Evocation.shared .register(for: Foo.self) .repository(remote: FooWebService()) .repository(local: FooLocalStorage()) .strategy(strategy)
Defining a
Sometimes you might want to target the webservice and back the results in a local database.
Sometimes you might want to target a local database and backup time to time the data through a webservice.
These behaviors can be defined through a combinaison of Rules
let localFirst = Strategy.Rule(target: .local, fallback: .remote, synchronize: true)
let remoteFirst = Strategy.Rule(target: .remote, fallback: .local, synchronize: false)
let strategy = Strategy(remoteFirst)
guard let strategy2 = try? Strategy(rules: [
.find: remoteFirst,
.findOne: remoteFirst,
.store: localFirst,
.storeOne: localFirst,
.update: localFirst,
.updateOne: localFirst,
.remove: remoteFirst,
.removeOne: remoteFirst
else { return }
Here the target
is the first repository that will be targeted. The fallback
will be used in case the target fail. The synchronize
option tells if you want to do write operation on both datasource.
You can either configure a strategy with the same rule for all action, of decide to apply specific rule for each action.
- Configuration
let strategy = Strategy.default()
.register(for: Foo.self)
.repository(remote: FooWS())
.repository(local: FooDS())
- Usage when connexion is up
* Status: Connexion UP
Evocation.find(model: Foo.self, criteria: nil) { result in
guard result.error == nil else {
// notify an error has been raised
var foos: [Foo] = result.data
print(result.origin) // should print "remote" since we have a connexion.
- Usage when connexion is down
* Status: Connexion DOWN
Evocation.find(model: Foo.self, criteria: nil) { result in
guard result.error == nil else {
// notify an error has been raised
var foos: [Foo] = result.data
print(result.origin) // should print "local" since we don't have a connexion.
This tool is at a very early stage. It might have some breaking changes in the futur. To have more information about how the library works, you might want to check the test cases.
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Evocation is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.