hysan / react-boardgame-review

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • Retrieve list of genres and populate the dropdowns (there are two).
  • Retrieve list of games and populate the table.
  • Your dropdown for GameFilters is already complete. Use currentGenre to filter the games by genre.
  • Make NameFilter in GameFilters a controlled form.
  • Have NameFilter filter boardgames by name when the form is submitted.
  • Make GameForm a controlled form.
  • On submit, have GameForm make a POST request to the API to add a new game.
  • After a new game is added, make sure to update the list of games.

Backend Instructions

cd backend
# Install dependencies:
npm install
# Run server:
npm run start

Frontend Instructions

cd frontend
# Install dependencies:
npm install
# Since the backend runs on port 3000,
# we need to run React on a different port.
PORT=4000 npm start


Server runs on: http://localhost:3000

- /boardgames
  - GET
    - response: [
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "The Settlers of Catan",
                    "genre": {
                      "id": 1,
                      "name": "strategy"
  - POST
    - body: {
              genre: { id, name }
- /genres
  - GET
    - response: [
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "strategy"



Language:JavaScript 68.2%Language:HTML 19.5%Language:CSS 12.3%