hysan / active-storage-demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Minimal Setup:

rails new --api backend
create-react-app frontend

cd backend

# Do CORS stuff.

bundle install

# bundle exec rails activestorage:install
rails active_storage:install

rails g resource cat name:text
# Running via Spring preloader in process 25823
#       invoke  active_record
#       create    db/migrate/20180906020214_create_cats.rb
#       create    app/models/cat.rb
#       invoke    test_unit
#       create      test/models/cat_test.rb
#       create      test/fixtures/cats.yml
#       invoke  controller
#       create    app/controllers/cats_controller.rb
#       invoke    test_unit
#       create      test/controllers/cats_controller_test.rb
#       invoke  resource_route
#        route    resources :cats

rails db:create db:migrate db:seed


Unsorted and just a dump of everything I read to get to a working example:



Language:Ruby 75.7%Language:JavaScript 17.8%Language:HTML 5.2%Language:CSS 1.3%