hyperfocusaurus / neopixel-driver

Just some toy code for playing around with a string of neopixels and a raspberry pi pico I bought.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Windoze instructions

Open System Information, look for the USB device, note down the COM port.

Edit controller.py, use com port directly (e.g "COM2") as the path to open.

Cross your fingers.

You may need to use the python serial library to get it to work.

Have fun!

Loonicks instructions

Just run controller.py, it's already set up to work.

Mac instructions

Buy a real computer


Just some toy code for playing around with a string of neopixels and a raspberry pi pico I bought.


Language:C 54.8%Language:CMake 38.5%Language:Python 4.6%Language:Shell 2.1%