JiraCards prints agile cards for your physical board from Jira. The issues are read from a Jira Agile Board or individual issues can be provided to create single cards.
JiraCards makes it super easy to generate physical cards from digital Jira issues. By default it fetches Jira issues from a given Jira Agile Board and generates for every found issue on the board a physical card. The generated cards are written to a HTML file. This HTML file can be used to print the cards.
The cards produced are clear and readable and a custom template can be provided to easily create custom looking cards.
JiraCards uses the Jira REST API to get all the relevant data from Jira. You can provide a username and password for authentication. BasicAuth is used for authentication.
On an A4 page 6 cards are rendered. The cards can then be easily guillotined out and used on your physical board.
To install JiraCards:
$ sudo pip install jira-cards
First, get the latest source code:
$ git clone https://github.com/hypebeast/JiraCards.git
Install it:
$ cd JiraCards
$ python setup.py install
First, get the latest source code:
$ git clone https://github.com/hypebeast/JiraCards.git
Install dependencies:
$ cd JiraCards
$ make env
Run JiraCards:
$ python jiracards/jira-cards.py -h
JiraCards reads the configuration from the following place:
$ ~/.jira-cards/config
The configuration file is created during the first startup of JiraCards. If you want to create the config file with the default options just execute the program:
$ jira-cards -h
If you want to use a different configuration file, you can call JiraCards with --config option:
$ jira-cards --config my_config
The following options are available:
- jira: The URL of your Jira instance.
- user: The username you want to use for authentication.
- password: The password you want to use for authentication.
- output: The name of the output file for the generated cards.
- board: The Jira Board ID where to get the issues from.
- template: The filename of the custom template. If no template is provided, the default template is used.
- default_issue_color: The default color for a issue.
- issueTypes: The available issue types. It's possible to provide a custom color for every specified issue type. The list is comma sperated.
- color_: The color for an issue type. For example, if you specify an 'Blocker' as an issue type, you can add an 'color_blocker' option to the config file: color_blocker = #FF0000. The following replacements in issue type names are carried out (see the default config for examples):
- Whitespaces are converted to _.
- - are converted to _
To list all available commands and options:
$ jira-cards -h
If you want to generate cards from your JIRA Agile Board with ID 19, execute the following command:
$ jira-cards -j http://jira.example.com -u username -p password -b 19 -o cards.html
For an overview about all commands run JiraCards with the help options:
$ jira-cards -h
The following commands are available:
- gen: This the default command. If JiraCards is called without a command this command will be executed. It reads Jira issues from the specified board and generates a card for every found issue.
- show: Prints the default template to stdout. The default template can be used to create a custom template.
- tempdata: Prints the available data which is available in a template.
For an overview about all commands run JiraCards with the help options:
$ jira-cards -h
The following options are available:
- -j, --jira: The URL of your Jira instance.
- -u, --user: The username you want to use for authentication.
- -p, --password: The password you want to use for authentication.
- -o, --output: The name of the output file for the generated cards.
- -b, --board: The Jira Board ID where to get the issues from.
- -t, --template: The filename of the custom template. If no template is provided, the default template is used.
- -c, --config: The config filename.
It's possible to create a custom template in order to create different looking cards. To provide a custom template use the following command:
$ jira-cards -t my_template.html
The avialable template data can be printed with the following command:
$ jira-cards tempdata