hyeongukryu / cloud-sdk-swift

Kentico Cloud swift SDK

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Kentico Cloud Swift SDK

Travis CocoaPods CocoaPods


The KenticoCloud iOS SDK is a library used for retrieving content and tracking activities. You can use the SDK as a CocoaPod package or add it manually.

Sample app

The repository contains sample app which demonstrates basic usage of the SDK.

Quick start

1. Add a pod

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '10.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'KenticoCloud'
$ pod install

2. Create a type object - in this example, the type object is Article. It represents a Content type in Kentico Cloud that the retrieved content items are based on. This content type has three elements with following codenames: title (a text element),teaser_image (an asset element) and post_date (a DateTime element).

import ObjectMapper
import KenticoCloud

class Article: Mappable {
    var title: TextElement?
    var asset: AssetElement?
    var postDate: DateTimeElement?
    required init?(map: Map){
        let mapper = MapElement.init(map: map)
        title = mapper.map(elementName: "title", elementType: TextElement.self)
        asset = mapper.map(elementName: "teaser_image", elementType: AssetElement.self)
        postDate = mapper.map(elementName: "post_date", elementType: DateTimeElement.self)
    func mapping(map: Map) {

3. Prepare the Delivery client

import KenticoCloud

let client = DeliveryClient.init(projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID")

4. Prepare a query

let typeQueryParameter = QueryParameter.init(parameterKey: QueryParameterKey.type, parameterValue: "article")
let languageQueryParameter = QueryParameter.init(parameterKey: QueryParameterKey.language, parameterValue: "es-ES")
let articlesQueryParameters = [typeQueryParameter, languageQueryParameter]

5. Get and use content items

client.getItems(modelType: Article.self, queryParameters: articleQueryParameters) { (isSuccess, itemsResponse, error) in
    if isSuccess {
        if let articles = itemsResponse?.items {
            // use your articles here
    } else {
        if let error = error {



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate KenticoCloud into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '10.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'KenticoCloud'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

Using the DeliveryClient

The DeliveryClient class is the main class of the SDK for getting content. Using this class, you can retrieve content from your Kentico Cloud projects.

To create an instance of the class, you need to provide a project ID:

// Initializes an instance of the DeliveryClient client
let cloudClient = DeliveryClient.init("975bf280-fd91-488c-994c-2f04416e5ee3")

Once you create a DeliveryClient, you can start querying your project repository by calling methods on the client instance. See Basic querying for details.

Previewing unpublished content

To retrieve unpublished content, you need to create a DeliveryClient with both Project ID and Preview API key. Each Kentico Cloud project has its own Preview API key.

// Note: Within a single project, we recommend that you work with only
// either the production or preview Delivery API, not both.
import KenticoCloud

let client = DeliveryClient.init(projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID")

For more details, see Previewing unpublished content using the Delivery API.

Getting items

Using strongly typed models

In order to receive strongly typed items you need to implement your item model. It's necessary to conform to Mappable protocol and implement mapping functionality. You can use your own mapping or our strongly typed element types.

  • Element types mapping:
import ObjectMapper

class Article: Mappable {
    var title: TextElement?
    var asset: AssetElement?
    var postDate: DateTimeElement?
    required init?(map: Map){
        let mapper = MapElement.init(map: map)
        title = mapper.map(elementName: "title", elementType: TextElement.self)
        asset = mapper.map(elementName: "teaser_image", elementType: AssetElement.self)
        postDate = mapper.map(elementName: "post_date", elementType: DateTimeElement.self)
    func mapping(map: Map) {

  • Custom mapping:
import ObjectMapper

public class Cafe: Mappable {
    public var city: String?
    public var street: String?
    public var country: String?
    public required init?(map: Map){
    public func mapping(map: Map) {
        city <- map["elements.city.value"]
        street <- map["elements.street.value"]
        country <- map["elements.country.value"]

Basic items querying

Once you have a DeliveryClient instance, you can start querying your project repository by calling methods on the instance. You need to pass your item model and query. You can create a query for a listing in two ways:

  • creating a custom string query:
let customQuery = "items?system.type=article&order=elements.post_date[desc]"
client.getItems(modelType: Article.self, customQuery: customQuery) { (isSuccess, itemsResponse, error) in ...
  • using a query parameters array:
let contentTypeQueryParameter = QueryParameter.init(parameterKey: QueryParameterKey.type, parameterValue: contentType)
let languageQueryParameter = QueryParameter.init(parameterKey: QueryParameterKey.language, parameterValue: "es-ES")
let coffeesQueryParameters = [contentTypeQueryParameter, languageQueryParameter]
client.getItems(modelType: Coffee.self, queryParameters: coffeesQueryParameters) { (isSuccess, itemsResponse, error) in ...

Then you can use your obtained items in the completetion handler:

// Retrieves a list of all content items of certain type
let contentTypeQueryParameter = QueryParameter.init(parameterKey: QueryParameterKey.type, parameterValue: "coffee")
let coffeesQueryParameters = [contentTypeQueryParameter]
client.getItems(modelType: Coffee.self, queryParameters: coffeesQueryParameters) { (isSuccess, itemsResponse, error) in
       if isSuccess {
           if let coffees = itemsResponse?.items {
               // Use your items here
       } else {
           if let error = error {

You can also retrieve just a single item:

// Retrieves a single content item
let client = DeliveryClient.init(projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID")
client.getItem(modelType: Cafe.self, itemName: "boston") { (isSuccess, deliveryItem, error) in
    if isSuccess {
        if let cafe = deliveryItem.item {
            // Use your item here
    } else {
        if let error = error {

Getting modular content

You can get modular content from itemResponse or itemsResponse object:

let client = DeliveryClient.init(projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID")
client.getItem(modelType: Article.self, itemName: "on_roasts", completionHandler: { (isSuccess, itemResponse, error) in
	if isSuccess {
		let relatedArticle = itemResponse?.getModularContent(codename: "on_roasts", type: Article.self)

Getting content types

Get one content type

client.getContentType(name: "coffee", completionHandler: { (isSuccess, contentType, error) in
    if !isSuccess {
        fail("Response is not successful. Error: \(String(describing: error))")
    if let type = contentType {
	// use content type here

Get multiple content types

client.getContentTypes(skip: 2, limit: 4, completionHandler: { (isSuccess, contentTypesResponse, error) in
    if !isSuccess {
        fail("Response is not successful. Error: \(String(describing: error))")
    if let response = contentTypesResponse {
	// use content types here

Getting taxonomies

Get taxonomy group

let client = DeliveryClient.init(projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID")
client.getTaxonomyGroup(taxonomyGroupName: "personas", completionHandler: { (isSuccess, deliveryItem, error) in
   if isSuccess {
       if let taxonomyGroup = deliveryItems.item {
        // use your taxonomy group here
    } else {
         if let error = error {

Get all taxonomies

let client = DeliveryClient.init(projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID")
client.getTaxonomies(completionHandler: { (isSuccess, deliveryItems, error) in
   if isSuccess {
       if let taxonomies = deliveryItems?.items {
        // use your taxonomies here
    } else {
         if let error = error {

Using the TrackingClient

In order to log custom activities and add contacts you need to start a session first.

Create a session

let client = TrackingClient.init(projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID")

Log a custom activity

client.trackActivity(activityName: "madrid")

Add a contact

client.addContact(email: "martinkoklingacik@local.com")


If you want to view debug info from both clients set client's enableDebugLogging attribute:

let deliveryClient = DeliveryClient.init(projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID", enableDebugLogging = true)
let trackingClient = TrackingClient.init(projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID", enableDebugLogging = true)


You can find full API reference documentation here.

Further information

For more developer resources, visit the Kentico Cloud Developer Hub at https://developer.kenticocloud.com.

Feedback & Contributing

Check out the contributing page to see the best places to file issues, start discussions, and begin contributing.


KenticoCloud Swift SDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.



Kentico Cloud swift SDK


License:MIT License


Language:Swift 98.7%Language:Ruby 1.3%